Domino #1

Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: David Baldeon
Colorist: Jesus Aburtuv
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: Marvel Comics

A Review by Greg Brothers

So, a few months ago I said to myself, “Self you need to cut down your pull list”. I even went so far as to actually cut down my pull. Literally the day after I make those cuts, it was announced that Gail Simone would be writing a new Domino series. So, let’s find out if Domino #1 will keep my pull list from shrinking.

Domino #1 starts with Neena out on a mission with fellow female mercenaries Outlaw and Diamondback. Seems that the Russian mafia is involved in timber piracy. Which, much like Domino, I had never hear of before. The problem is that despite being hired to help some kidnapped loggers the team was actually set up.

From the first panel of Domino #1 I was hooked. While Domino may be hesitant to accept her new puppy as a permanent member of her family, it is Simone’s writing that reminds us that we all need someone or something to come home to. That is the brilliance of Simone’s writing, taking something as simple as a panel with a new puppy, and later circling back around to tell a story of the human condition and companionship.

Domino’s mutant powers are a constant undercurrent during Domino #1. One would think that the power of luck would allow you to live a happy life free of most worry. However, Domino is convinced that her power does not like her. She exposes self-doubt and mental health issues that Simone will be able to delve further into later. While there will be more that Simone can unpack later with Domino’s self-doubt, it is the relationship between Domino, Outlaw and Diamondback that provides the hook that allows the characters to be relatable.

The art is sleek and tight, with a bit of a cartoonish feel to it. Domino’s new ops outfit is a good update. Simone’s range of emotions in the script is mirrored in the character designs. Everything from happiness, to fear, to sadness are all easily shown. Bright and vibrant colors fill the panels and flawlessly draw the eyes from action to more subtle details.

Verdict: Buy it.

In Domino #1 Simone and her team create a story that humanizes Domino more so than she has ever been before. The art, the dialogue, and the themes all sing in harmony together to engage the reader and leave you waiting to see how Domino will move forward.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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