Bethesda has released a new trailer for their Far Harbor DLC!
Far Harbor is the third DLC for Fallout 4 and the trailer shows some of the add-ons, new locations, and character and enemies that you’ll encounter during your travels. Bethesda is claiming Far Harbor to be the largest ever landmass that they’ve produced for a DLC.
The story is focused on a new case that is taken on by Nick Valentine’s detective agency. With Nick, you’ll travel to Far Harbor which is based on the Bar Harbor area of Maine. The DLC seems to heavily feature marine-based enemies and the trailer shows an ever-present, ominous fog.
Far Harbor is following on from the Automatron and Wasteland Workshop expansions and is scheduled for a May 19th release date across all the current platforms.
Check out the trailer for Far Harbor below and dive into the wasteland once more!