Disney is leaving the videogame industry behind with an announcement yesterday that they will cease development on Disney Infinity and completely shutter its developer Avalanche Software.
The company made the announcement during its latest earnings report, saying they had lower results for Infinity than they had predicted.
Since its release in 2013 there have been three versions of Infinity. Series one pulled from Disney’s mighty pantheon of characters, series two focused primarily on Marvel Super Heroes, and series three was built entirely around Star Wars. Some fans criticized the game for the quickly outdated technology, some the lack of actual Disney characters within this Disney game. Both possible contributors to Disney’s decision to discontinue the series.
Disney Infinity’s general manager John Blackburn confirmed in a blog post that the final two retail releases for the game are still set to arrive. These are three new characters from Alice Through the Looking due this month and a Finding Dory play set coming in June.
Blackburn has said:
“Our goal for Disney Infinity was to bring the best of Disney storytelling to life in homes around the world, and with your support we accomplished that. We hope you had as much fun playing the game as we had making it… As we turn to the next chapter in our story, I want to thank everyone who helped bring Disney Infinity to life, particularly Disney’s Glendale-based production and publishing teams, our external development partners, and of course the incredible Avalanche team for their tireless dedication to this project.”
For Disney fans, there is good news. Disney properties will still be made into videogames; they’ll just be licensed out to other publishers, like how Star Wars was licensed to EA.