Curse Words #11
Creators: Charles Soule & Ryan Browne
Letter: Chris Crank
Colors: Addison Duke & Ryan Browne
Publisher: Image Comics

A Review by Greg Brothers

Finally, after two long months Curse Words has returned to my pull list. Thankfully we did have a Christmas special to stem off some of the withdraw. But with Curse Words #11 we return to our regularly scheduled timeline.

Curse Words #11 throws us back into the story right after Wizord and Lady Violets battle. Lady Violet finds herself back in the Hole World and trying to get her bearing as she is somewhere she does not want to be. Meanwhile back on Earth Wizord has come to realize that Margret is missing and is determined to find out what happened to her. Finally, Sizzajee is preparing his demons and wizards for their next mission.

As you can see there is allot going on in Curse Words #11 but thankfully Soule is up to the task of attacking the story on all fronts. Curse Words #11 works to reset the field and get everyone into position for what is coming next. Soule is able to design the story in a way that it does not feel as if you are being pulled in too many different directions. The transitions from one scene to the next feels natural while not are feels neglected. With each group by the end of the issue it is obvious what their path forward is.

Much like the writing Browne’s art continues to hit all the high points. This far into the series Browne has found what works and continues to use those things to his advantage while adding in new wrinkles to the art to keep it from becoming stale. Browne’s use of a variety of panel shapes and sizes allows for some unique perspectives while adding to the easy of reading. The colors continue to allow the art to jump off the pages at you.

Verdict: Buy!
If you have not jumped on this series yet my only question to you is why not? Soule and Browne continue to create a series that every month is entertaining, filled with humor and emotion, and visually stunning. The only disappointing part of Curse Words #11 comes in the essay at the end of the book where Soule conforms that the series will be wrapping up over the next year.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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