The Comics Agenda: Interviews the Writers of The Dregs

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This week The Comics Agenda interviews Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson, the writers for The Dregs, a new book by Black Mask that will be out on January 25, 2017. The Dregs is about a gentrified city. Its homeless population restricted to six square blocks called The Dregs. When people start disappearing, a drug-addled homeless man obsessed with detective fiction becomes addicted to solving the mystery. Equal parts Raymond Chandler and Don Quixote set in a thriving metropolis that literally cannibalizes the homeless, The Dregs is the first homeless meta noir ever made.

Follow the writers of The Dregs on Twitter:
Lonnie Nadler – @Lon_Monster
Zac Thompson – @ZacBeThompson

The Comics Agenda is

Greg Brothers – Twitter: @popculturegeek3
Anelise Farris – Twitter: @AneliseFarris
David Hildebrand – Twitter: @Sycotic

You can also follow us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda

The art was done by the very talented Nicole Bresner. Check out her work at
You can also follow Nicole on Twitter: @NicoMysterriou

Dave Hildebrand
My name is Dave. I'm in love with all types of film. I enjoy comics, video games, and writing. I also love soccer. I love watching all competitions and I play goalkeeper as well. Hit me up on Twitter @sycotic

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