The Comics Agenda Episode 54: We Have the Internet!
After a false start because of some technical issues we get into the Justice League thoughts.
But first we get into some of the new books that hit this week. It was an interesting group of books with a few unique takes on superteam books with The Consultants #1, and The Mighty Crusaders #1. We delve into Tom King’s Batman with issue #36 as Batman and Catwomen prepare for a double date with Superman and Lois Lane. Finallt we check out the reboot of Witchblade #1 from Image comics.
The Comics Agenda is hosted by Anelise (Twitter@Anelise.Farris ) and Greg (Twitter@Comicsportsgeek). We discuss several new comic book releases each week, in addition to breaking news, movies, and tv. You can reach us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda or email us at TheComicsAgenda@gmail.com