Catwoman: Election Night #1
Writer: Meredith Finch, Mark Russell
Artist: Shane Davis, Michelle Delecki, Igor Vitorino, Ben Caldwell
Colors: Gabe Eltaeb
Letters: Pat Brosseau
Publisher: DC
Review by David Hildebrand
Political satire has hit Gotham City! That’s right, no one is safe from all the political madness that we’ve had to endure in recent months. Selina Kyle is researching some crooked politicians running to be the Mayor of Gotham City in Catwoman: Election Night #1. I’m not a political person by any means. I absolutely cannot wait for this election to be over! With that being said, this was a very fun book!
There are two candidates running to be the mayor of Gotham City. On one side, you have The Penguin. He plans to build a great wall around Gotham to keep the criminals out, even though he’s the one hiring them. He’s a leader and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He is going to make America… wait, I’m sorry, he’s going to make Gotham great again! And the people chant “Penguin!, Penguin!, Penguin!”. In the other corner is Constance Hill. Constance is a woman. According to The Penguin, that’s all she has going for her. Sad. Both candidates have their hidden agendas, but Catwoman is doing to her best to discover both their motives.
Finch hits on all marks with her political satire in this issue. She does a fantastic job of capturing the essence of today’s politicians and transferring it over to the political scene of Gotham City. I didn’t know what to expect out of this book, but it wasn’t disappointing.
There is another short story in the issue titled “Trigger Warnings”, written by Mark Russell, that follows an older version of a character that is introduced in the Election Night storyline. As you can guess from the title, the story is about pressing issues that “trigger” people’s emotions today. More specifically, the issues of gun control and birth control. By the end of the story, it becomes so over the top, you can’t help but sit there and laugh. I sat there thinking “this is so true” while reading it. Davis, Delecki, Eltaeb, and Vitorino are all on art duty for the book and they all do a fantastic job creating the atmosphere of both Gotham and the cartoon antics of “Trigger Warnings“.
Buy It! Bottom line is Catwoman: Election Night #1 is a lot of fun and is supposed to be taken in a lighthearted spirit. I have some very political friends that I could see getting bent out of shape over this book because of the mockery it makes out current situations. But you know what, the book is right and like or not, the book is damn funny! So go out and buy this book. Make comic shops great again!