On Sunday, Animation Domination Season aired their Halloween specials. I wasn’t that interested in watching The Simpsons or Family Guy episodes, but I was particularly excited to catch the Bob’s Burgers Halloween Special. Bob’s Burgers is one of my favourite animated shows due to its kind nature and heartwarming storylines. I’ve enjoyed every one of their Halloween episodes so far, and I was couldn’t wait to see what they had in store for us this time around!
On Halloween night, Linda tries to impress the kids by taking them to look for a wolf that has been terrorizing the town. Meanwhile, an injured and medicated Bob believes that Teddy has turned into a werewolf.
Linda is my favourite animation mom. Unlike Marge and Louis, Linda can hold her own and is absolutely hilarious without needing to lean on Bob. Linda went slightly overboard in trying to impress the kids (she doesn’t have to, she’s cool enough), but I’ve come to realize that some Bob’s Burgers episodes have very exaggerated storylines, and they still work so well!
Overall, Bob’s Burgers Halloween Special was funny and very enjoyable. The whole Bob doped on painkillers was a great side story, and Linda leading the kids into the scary park to find the werewolf is a very Linda thing to do. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t as blown away with this episode as I was with The Hauntening. That episode had me at the edge of my seat (for, you know, an animated show) so maybe I was expecting something similar.
The costumes the kids had one were cute. I loved Louise’s Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. I wouldn’t have even thought of that, and it’s perfect for her. Oh and you cannot forget Linda as a Cher-iff. Brilliant costume!!
Overall 8/12 out of 10