As 2017 starts up around the world, Blizzard is hard at work for everyone’s favorite online shooter, Overwatch. Following in the footsteps of the three previous events, The Summer Games, Dr. Junkenstein’s Revenge, and Winter Wonderland, the fourth event for Overwatch will be Year of the Rooster, celebrating Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year occurs on the 28th of January this year. Two posts were made showing off some of the new skins players can expect, one from the official Overwatch account for the Americas, and one from the official Overwatch account for Korea.

In addition to this, eagle eyed gamers found an image showing skins based on Journey to the East for Zenyatta, Winston, Reinheart and Roadhog. Based on the images released it looks to be that the in game event will run for at least a week, although it is possible it might run longer. In Asian countries, Overwatch is a free-to-play game that follows different rules for events based on the popularity of PC Bangs.

Ryan M. Holt
I am a Colorado based freelancer and graphic designer who loves games, movies and technology. I love seeing cool characters do cool things. My wife, son and two stupid cats keep me grounded. Follow me on twitter @RyanMHolt

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