Avengers #1
Writers: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Inker: Mark Morales
Colorist: David Curiel
Letterer: Cory Petit
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Review by Greg Brothers
It has been years since the “Big Three” have been active members of the Avengers at the same time. Captain America came down with a case of the Hydra Caps. Thor was deemed Unworthy, even if it was only in his mind. And of course, Iron Man ended up in a coma and turned into a sentient A.I. via a Captain Marvel punch. So, when the three get together for a meet-up, it is just a matter of time before things pick up.
Avengers #1 starts with the Avengers of 1 Million B.C. getting ready to take on their most dangerous foe. Half of the team, including Odin, are convinced that this will be their last stand. From there we see Steve Rogers, Tony Stark and Odinson reflecting on what they have accomplished and where they have failed, in addition to what their legacy is. While these three members spend time in reflection, Dr. Strange and Black Panther are investigating some mysterious caverns that have recently formed below the earth’s surface. Several other quick check-ins give us clues as to the mental state of a couple of the future members–all before checking in with Captain Marvel as she makes a surprising discovery.
Aaron has just finished up an epic run over on Thor that featured Jane Foster as the Goddess of Thunder. He knows the amount of work that goes into building the foundation for a deep and meaningful story. Avengers #1 is no different. Each of the characters has a voice that seems both true to who they are and reflective of the things that have changed them over the years. The panels in the pub with Tony, Steve, and Odinson make it obvious that this will not just be another restart to Avengers where the team is formed, the big bad shows up, and then a fight happens with the good guys winning. Instead as Odinson himself says, they need the Avengers as much as the world needs them, if not more so. Aaron is also able to present the Celestials in a way that explains how powerful they are, without sacrificing the story by retreading things that long-time readers may already know.
The colors in the panels are bright and engaging. Each character’s signature look makes it easy to recognize who they are. Sharp, thick lines help to separate the characters from the equally as stunning backgrounds. My only complaint is that in some of the panels the characters almost look smooshed. If you have ever seen those imaginex characters, they are designed like that: short and stalky with muscles on top of muscles. It almost makes them look child-like. Thankfully this does not occur throughout the entire issue, and most panels look fine.
Verdict: Check it out.
Is Avengers #1 perfect? Nope. But Aaron and his team are able to build a foundation here that makes it obvious they will be approaching the Avengers in a new and unique way. The growth and new mission statement for the team is intriguing and has me interested enough to check out the next issue.