Animosity #2
Writer: Marguerite Bennett
Artist: Rafael De Latorre
Colors: Bob Schwager
Letters: Marshall Dillon
Publisher: Aftershock
Reviewed by David Hildebrand
The first issue of Animosity was so amazing that I stopped what I was doing, went to my laptop and wrote a review for it. I loved the book that much and apparently I’m not the only one, considering that it is going into its fourth printing. Marguerite Bennett has created a world where animals suddenly “wake up” and become free thinkers. It was such an amazing start to the series and I eagerly awaited the next issue.
Good news for me, the wait is over and I got my hands on the second issue. I was so pleased to see that it didn’t suffer from the sophomoric slump that some comic books hit. In fact, I think that this issue surpassed the first and trust me when I say that is a big accomplishment! This issue covers so much with progression in time. We move along from one week to a year by the time we reach the end of the issue. In this time, we see the struggle that the animals have in sharing the world with the humans. The attacks seem to not be as rampant, but the violence certainly still exists. However, there is more of a political approach being taken by both the humans and animals to make an attempt to co-exist. The animals are a bit forceful in their effort for their demands for rights to be heard. I can’t say that a smile didn’t come across my face when I was introduced to a moose with two guns balanced in between his antlers by two squirrels when they come face to face with a senator to speak on animal rights. It’s both amusing and frightening. The animals are no longer cute, well some are, but not all. You know times are rough when not even a year into the animals being more self aware that you see a common house cat trying to pedal drugs to humans. Hard times indeed already!
Of course we revisit with Jesse, her family, as well as the beloved bloodhound Sandor. Well beloved to all but Jesse’s dad, Oscar. Sandor is much wiser than any of the family so far to the current situation, that it creates conflict between him and Oscar. I’ll cease there and let you see how that ends up. We also take an emotional ride with Sandor as he explains how his life is different now that he is more self aware. He says it is like waking from a dream as he carries on a pretty emotional conversation with the mother, Shannon. Bennett is writing some pretty power drama, as well as tugging at your heart strings. Sandor is the guardian angel in Animosity and you don’t want to see him hurt. I love the hound dog already! De Latorre and Schwager bring it again with the artwork. They compliment each other so well. It is a very beautiful book with some very bold colors that add to the tone and mood of the book. The raw emotions of the animals are so incredibly detailed that you are intimated with how some of them look.
Buy it! Only two books in and this has become one of my favorite books of the year, it’s easily in my top 3. I’m loving this story, loving the artwork, loving the colors, love it all! If you are lagging behind, you might want to step it up and grab this issue because its sure to sell out just as quick as the first one! If you love animals and love a solid story with brilliantly written characters, then you cannot miss out on this book! Bottom line! Also, Marguerite if you end up reading this, I have a soft spot for raccoons, I hope that one little guy finds his swan friend!