Star Wars: The Force Awakens has reunited the rabid SW fans within pretty much all of us. Those feelings never really went away for many, but they were a little diminished in the wake of the prequels.
That being said, over the last little while, we’ve all been going bananas with the massive expansion of the Star Wars cinematic universe and the announcements that we’ve been getting on the regular.
Yesterday saw the release of a new trailer for Rogue One and today there’s even more amazing Star Wars news to blow your geeky minds:
Donald Glover, beloved comedian, rapper and portrayer of Troy from Community (and of course other things) is the reportedly the frontrunner to play young Lando Calrissian in the Han Solo film.
F*CK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look, it’s super cool that they cast young Han (Alden Ehrenreich) but like, young Lando is really where it’s at for me. ESPECIALLY if they’re going in this direction with Glover.
I can imagine that Danny Glover would ALSO be super over the moon to get the part as he seems like our people (you know, the kind totally obsessed with all the geeky things).
Han Solo, as you may know, is currently being developed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. It’s set to (hopefully) come out in 2018.