Angelic #1

Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Casper Wijngaard
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Publisher: Image Comics

A review by Greg Brothers

Each week a ton of comics hit the shelves at the local comic shop. Even more are added to the list if you count digital exclusives. Besides the characters and books that everyone knows and loves or hates, we always get some unique and intriguing books. Angelic #1 falls under that category.

Angelic #1 takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. All that remains are the animals that humans have genetically modified through the years. Qora, one of the monkeys, has no interest in following the rituals that have been left for her. Instead, she simply wants to explore.

Quickly it becomes obvious what story Spurrier is trying to tell in Angelic #1. Many of the stereotypes and rituals that humans had developed over the years had been passed on to the animal societies that now inhabit the earth. Traditional gender roles are firmly in place: as the boymonks battle to protect their home, the girlmonks are expected to take cover and cower in fear. Tradition dictates that the girlmonks, when they reach a certain age, will give up. It does not take many steps to get from the pages of Angelic #1 to the critics of religion. The criticism is rather generic as far as any doctrine so that should keep Spurrier from drawing to much criticism.

Normally when reading an animal morphic tale, it is as if they are human only with some animal traits. This is something that Spurrier avoids with his dialogue. Instead, all the characters speak as if they have not quite mastered the language. It is a small detail but one that make sense as they would have never had formal training on how to speak. Another note is the fact that not all the animals have evolved in the same way. Some seem to be way more advanced than others. This leads to questions as to why that is and what it was that caused these evolutions.

Wijnaard’s art is filled with light and simple colors, dominated by pinks, purples and blues. While the dialogue is more mature, the art is more childlike. Thick lines and simple character designs are highlighted by the depth and emotion that is shown within the monk’s faces. Buildings that were once tall and grand are filled and covered with greenery. It is something small, but it reminds you that this world was once inhabited by someone else.

Wait and See!
Angelic #1 introduces us to a mystical world where humans are gone and the animals rule the world. The world that Spurrier creates is compelling and enchanting. The art draws you in and leaves you in awe of the power of nature. However, at times Angelic #1 slips into the preachy side rather than thought provoking. Hopefully in future issues Spurrier will be able to find a way to create a story that shows growth and individualism without some of the lecturing. For that reason, it stays in the wait and see.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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