19 Days is back yet again with another glorious snippet! In the last wholesome chapter, we saw Zhang protect Jian Yi and his sister from the cold. It was a very sweet chapter, and I cannot wait to see what Old Xian has in store for us this time ’round!
He Tian is now well rested and is on his way home. Guanshan is still as stubborn as ever. He won’t even let He Tian borrow his jacket…
Oh, my word this manhua is moving so slowly! This is a cute chapter, but it feels so repetitive at the moment. We’ve seen something similar in the manhua before so why repeat the same scenario again?! I am desperate for some angst, and I need a juicy storyline or for He Tian and Guanshan’s relationship to move faster! I do feel a shift though in terms of focus. At the beginning of this particular arc, we were focused more on Guanshan and his character as in how he was feeling, but now we’re focusing on He Tian and his life. I hope we see some character development in He Tian soon. I want to see him be slightly kinder. Maybe more understanding as well as Guanshan, they’re both so stubborn. I do love He Tian’s taking all of Guanshan’s insults under the chin. He Loves him!
Next Chapter: I’m hoping for a new day, a new arc. I still want to know what has happened to Jian Yi’s mother! I haven’t forgotten about her!! This particular storyline has been swept under the rug a little too much. I also wonder how many days we have left. Even though this based on a literal 19 days, I wonder how close we’re getting to the main plot line of Jian Yi disappearing. He doesn’t return after his second day of high school, but they’re currently still in secondary school. How many more arcs do we have?!