aCountdown to the Clash
It’s the go home match for Clash of Champions tonight. Smackdown starts with a video review of last week.
It’s a Movement
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are in the back starting the Yep Movement. Meanwhile, in the arena, AJ Styles music begins as he makes his way to the ring.
Hug it Out
AJ said he couldn’t sleep and he can’t eat. But it’s not worth being the champ unless you are a fighting champion. While AJ is talking about all the ways that Jinder will try to get the belt back, the Singh Brothers music starts up. They come out to talk about getting beat down two weeks ago by Jinder. AJ offers for them to come to the ring and they can hug it out.
AJ makes an Uncle Al reference which only a child from Cincinnati who grew up in the 1970s would get. The Singh brothers say they’re done with Jinder. AJ was Facebook stalking the Singh Brothers and pointed out that they were hanging out with Jinder this past weekend in India. Jinder heads out, and AJ points out no one is fooling him and tosses the Singh Brothers out of the ring. Serious heel heat for Jinder.
The segment was a little awkward at times when the Singh Brothers came out. In a world where social media and news reports of house shows exist it was a subtle change to have A.J. use that to avoid being set up. Even without getting over on Styles, Jinder still got some serious heel heat when he came out.
It’s not a Riot just a melee
Charlotte vs. Ruby Riott
Charlotte takes control right away with sliding behind Riott. A few quick moves before slamming Riott out of the ring. In the split screen, we see the Riott Squad distract Flair, allowing for Riott to take control. Riott starts laying on the punches and slows the match down with a headlock. Officially back, Riott is caught coming off the top rope as Flair raises the knee. Heading to the outside of the ring Flair fights off the entire Riott squad until Nattie clotheslines Flair allowing for the Riott squad to take control. Naomi comes out to stop the beatdown.
Winner: Flair via DQ
I think that the powers that be realize that the ladies in the Riott squad, other than Ruby, are not quite ready to be in the ring on the main roster. My guess is moving forward we will not see them in matches often until they can shake out some nerves. Either that of it will be back to NXT or a flat-out release.
Daniel Bryan is on the phone with Shane saying he has everything under control. Meanwhile, Bobby Roode is already at ringside for the next match.
Who am I supposed to cheer?
Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin
It seems the whole anti-gimmick gimmick is gone as Ziggler heads to the ring to his full music with freshly dyed blonde hair. Straight right-hand takes Ziggler down to start the match. Ziggler moves to allow Corbin to run into the ring post. Bobby Roode leaves the announce table to hit the Glorious DDT on both Ziggler and Corbin.
Winner: No Contest
Seriously there is not a sympathetic figure out of the three. Roode is obviously a natural heel. He yells in all his promos and his actions in the ring match more heel tendencies. The only thing that is over with him right now is his theme song. Corbin has regressed in the ring since the title was with him. It shows how talented Styles is. He was able to make Corbin look that good during their feud. Ziggler was obviously added to cover for the other two. He has been in neutral for so long no one cares about him.
Fashion Files
It seems you can now watch full episodes on WWE.com, but it was just a set up to have Breezango take on the Bludgeon Brothers for Clash of Champions.
Bludgeon Brothers vs. Two Local Jobbers
Speaking of the Bludgeon Brothers… Dropkick, Clothesline, Gorilla Press Slam. Harper hits a Powerbomb then they throw one in the air for the win.
Winner: Bludgeon Brothers
Just an old school squash match against a much smaller team that allows for the Bludgeon Brothers to throw someone around and hit power moves.
The Yep Movement takes off.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn head out for their Occupy Smackdown movement. The Yep movement is picking up steam live on Smackdown. Kevin Owens talks about after the last nine months it was obvious that Shane is the worst McMahon. Kevin Owens calls for everyone to come out and join the Yep Movement. Daniel Bryan is the only one that heads out to the ring with his music taking awhile to start. Not sure if that was intended or not. Daniel wonders what Owens and Zayn are trying to do. He explains that despite what they think they are nothing like him. Zayn trying to snap was hilarious as he talks about losing their job just like that. Bryan promises he will make sure that their match is fair. Bryan names himself as the second referee for the match on Sunday.
After the end of last week, it was obvious that Bryan was not totally on board with McMahon’s plan for Owens and Zayn. Adding him as a second referee is a little concerning.
English & Rusev vs. The Uso’s
English starts back up his song about Rusev Day. Usos ran down English and Rusev. Gables and Benjamin come out to cut a promo for all four teams. Gables was actually impressive on the mic talking about all the upcoming days. Back from commercial Rusev and English have control of the match. Rusev has Jey in a bearhug in the middle of the ring. Jey is able to work loose and hit a kick to the head. Hot tag to Jimmy who hits the Samoa drop on English. Then a superkick. Breakdown as Rusev hits a kick on Jimmy Uso. He’s hit with a modified DDT to win the match.
Winner: Rusev and English
Rusev and English continue to get surprise wins and are somewhat over with the crowd. Gables showed that he is becoming more confident on the mic. If this match is done right, the Smackdown Tag Division could come off as very strong out of the Clash of Champions PPV
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens
A quick kick to Nakamura’s stomach starts the match. Bryan, announcing for the match, brings up why he added himself to match and how long Owens and Zayn ran in the independents. Nakamura with a kick and Owens rolls out of the ring. Owens slammed Nakamura around the outside of the ring, before taking it back inside and applying the headlock. Nakamura misses a knee and gets thrown to the outside as the show went to break. Owens is still in control as they come back. After a vicious punch, Nakamura raises knees as Owens tries the drop. Nakamura turned to hard kicks and strikes as he gained control. After a ref bump, Daniel Bryan takes over as the Ref. Zayn distracted Nakamura which allows Owens to hit the pop-up Powerbomb for the win
Winner: Kevin Owens
The whole point of the match was to increase the commentary as to what Bryans motivation is for adding himself. Byron Saxton kept questioning Bryan the entire time.