Doctor Who: Knock Knock Review
Knock Knock turns Doctor Who into a horror movie this week, and it’s a welcome change of pace in a series that continues to experiment with genre.
Knock Knock turns Doctor Who into a horror movie this week, and it’s a welcome change of pace in a series that continues to experiment with genre.
Thin Ice addressed something that I’ve always kind of side eyed when it comes to Doctor Who. That’s right folks, I’m talking about race.
VocaLAB brings fanfiction to the next level by producing unofficial Doctor Who stories for free-release audio in The Last Days Before Dawn.
Smile continues the idea of keeping the tenth series of Doctor Who easy for a new viewer to pick up by keeping the focus on our protagonists.
In For Tonight We Might Die, Class introduces us to the students of Coal Hill and shows us the potential to tell deeper stories with realistic characters.
While not as showy as last series’ opener, The Pilot set up a very different series in a new way. It made me fall in love with Doctor Who all over again.
Lan has thoughts about Logan, Legion steals Insha’s heart, and Billy goes wild over an announcement about Doctor Who. It’s a Comicsbound, alright.
With a story that seems ripped right out of 1976, Gaze of the Medusa shows an incredible understanding of how the classic series was structured.
The Tenth Doctor: Year Three #1 is one of the easiest introductions I’ve had to an ongoing story, and reading through feels like the start of a new season.