Today is a huge day for Summer Games Done Quick! Early this morning they crossed over $450,000 for Doctors Without Borders, so sometime today they should cross half a million!
Starting this afternoon into the closing hours of the night are some great blocks, including a huge indie block with platforming madness from Super Meat Boy, followed by a Kirby block, then a Mega Man X block with two races. Finally the night will be closed out with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Get hype!
Summer Games Done Quick is raising money for Doctors Without Borders. The marathon will be running all week, for 7 days straight starting Sunday July 2nd. You can watch Summer Games Done Quick on twitch, and they post all speedruns within a couple days of their completion on their youtube channel. You can donate here, while voting for various goals throughout the week.
Here’s the game schedule for Wednesday, July 4nd. All times are in EST and I bolded some of my personal favorites. Don’t forget to check back here for your daily SGDQ updates!
Start Time (EST) | Game | Runner | Est. Completion Time (H:MM:SS) | Run Qualification |
12:19 AM | Silent Hill 2 |
tekkie | 1:00:00 | Any% |
1:24 AM | Resident Evil |
RawDerps | 0:45:00 | Any% (Jill or Chris) |
2:19 AM | Resident Evil: Code: Veronica X |
Pessimism | 1:43:00 | Gltiched |
4:12 AM | Onimusha: Warlords |
BOWIEtheHERO | 1:25:00 | Any% |
5:47 AM | Shuriken |
SuccinctAndPuncy | 0:10:00 | Normal |
6:07 AM | Alex Kidd in Shinobi World |
berlindude1 | 0:10:00 | Any% |
6:22 AM | Ninja Gaiden (Sega Master System) |
soothingplumtea | 0:22:00 | Any% |
6:54 AM | Ninja Gaiden 3 |
InfestedRiche | 0:20:00 | Any% |
7:19 AM | Kyatto Ninden Teyandee |
usedpizza | 0:15:00 | Beat the Game |
7:39 AM | Marble Madness | Elipsis | 0:05:00 | Any% |
7:49 AM | Bucky O’Hara | Garrison | 0:30:00 | Any% Hard Mode |
8:24 AM | Jackal | Toad22484 | 0:10:00 | Any% |
10:39 AM | G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor | Toad22484 | 0:12:00 | Any% |
8:56 AM | Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse | Chelney | 0:40:00 | Trevor Only |
9:46 AM | Castlevania: Rondo of Blood | Just_defend | 0:25:00 | Richter Any% |
10:16 AM | 1001 Spikes | doubletaco | 0:22:00 | Any% Ukampa |
10:53 AM | Super Meat Boy | warm_ham, Fimbz | 0:20:00 | 100% Race |
11:23 AM | VVVVVV | FieryBlizzard, Chadwelli | 0:18:00 | 100% Race |
11:51 AM | Startropics | thetantalus | 1:10:00 | Any% |
1:06 PM | Kirby’s Dream Land 2 | zorlaxseven | 0:50:00 | Best Ending |
2:06 PM | Kirby: Planet Robobot | Theguesst | 1:10:00 | Meta Knightmare Returns |
3:26 PM | Mega Man X6 | orsa | 0:54:00 | All Stages (Normal) |
4:30 PM | SETUP BLOCK 2 | Tech Crew | 0:45:00 | |
5:35 PM | Mega Man X2 | Trogdor, calebhart42, ColonelFatso, Tokyo90 | 0:36:00 | Any% Race |
6:21 PM | Mega Man X3 | Trogdor, Nu_ | 0:45:00 | Any% Race |
7:16 PM | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD | Pheenoh | 3:50:00 | Any% |
11:11 PM | The Elder Scrolls IV: Obilvion | Garish | 0:40:00 | Any% No-Out of Bounds |