startrekbeyondmondoposterStar Trek Beyond came out this week on Blu-ray after a successful run at the theatre both financially and critically. It grossed over $201 million worldwide, surpassing its massive budget of $158 million.

We have not one but TWO reviews of Star Trek Beyond here on the site (from the theatrical release and from the Blu-ray release) because here at Rogues Portal, we’re all about the best of the geek world and we LOVE Star Trek (see our Star Trek Site Takeover for more proof of this!).

AS such, we have a very special giveaway happening here on the site to celebrate the release of the film. You ready? It’s pretty super cool…

Surely by now you’ve heard of Mondo, the super cool company that “creates limited edition screen printed posters for our favorite classic and contemporary films, television shows and comics, along with vinyl movie soundtracks, VHS re-issues, toys, and apparel” as per their web site.

Paramount has commissioned Matt Taylor and Mondo to come up with an exclusive poster for Star Trek Beyond. This poster isn’t for sale anywhere and this is one of the places where you can get your hands on one of these extremely limited pieces.

We have TWO posters to giveaway and it’s SUPER easy to enter. Check out the details here:

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Stephanie Cooke
Stephanie is a Toronto based writer and editor. She's a comic book fan, avid gamer, movie watcher, lover of music, and sarcasm. She is a purveyor of too many projects and has done work for Talking Comics,, Agents of Geek, Word of the Nerd, C&G Magazine, Dork Shelf, and more. Her writing credits include "Home Sweet Huck" (Mark Millar's Millarworld Annual 2017), "Lungarella (Secret Loves of Geek Girls, 2016), "Behind Enemy Linens" (BLOCKED Anthology, 2017), "Home and Country" (Toronto Comics Anthology, 2017) and more to come. You can read more about her shenanigans over on her <a href="">personal web site</a>.

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