It is Wednesday my dudes! Welcome to New Comic Book Day: the day of the week when your local comic shop restocks the shelves full of brand new comicbooks. Let’s see what’s new on the Rogues Portal Pull List for December 6. Tons of new comics come out each week, and it’s not always easy picking out the best ones. So every week we here at Rogues Portal try to find the best books to add to our pull lists and yours. So here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Klaus And The Crisis In Xmasville #1
- Grant Morrison? Christmas? Yes, please! – Greg
- The original Klaus story was so much fun, and it’s great seeing Morrison and Mora revisit the character. – Josh
Rocko’s Modern Life #1
- Powerpuff Girls comic last week, Rocko’s Modern Life this week? I’m in! – Anelise
- I’m a big fan of this creative team and an even bigger fan of Rocko’s Modern Life. Let’s keep this nostalgia train rolling and hope that they bring the same sly humor of the television show to the comics. – Kylee
Greg‘s Picks
Astonishing X-Men #6
This is the last issue of the first arc. Will Professor X return to the living?
Batman #36
This is a two-part arc with Batman and Superman. With the way King has been redefining Batman’s relationships within the DC universe, I feel like this is a must read.
Consultant #1
So maybe the good guys aren’t always good. Maybe sometimes they need a group of people to make sure people think they are good.
Mighty Crusaders #1
A superhero team set somewhere in the Archie Universe. It sounds like it has potential.
Paper Girls #18
Same as every month: you must read this!
Witchblade #1
It’s back, and I for one am excited to see how they bring Witchblade back.
Josh‘s Picks
Batman White Knight #3
More Jack Napier taking down the GCPD, Batsy, and using other villains to do it? Let’s do this.
Captain Canuck Year One #1
Captain Canuck returns to duty in Afghanistan after going AWOL and getting his powers.
Kylee‘s Picks
Paradiso #1
There’s a lot going on with this sci-fi dystopian series, but a literal living city deserves attention. Add in the ability to resurrect dead technology and the power struggles it creates, and I’m absolutely here for this.
Graphic Novels
Look Straight Ahead GN
This is an insightful look into what it’s like having mental health issues. And it’s beautifully drawn. – Josh
Shirtless Bear-Fighter TP
If you didn’t grab the single issues, then you need to grab this trade. – Greg
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the latest edition of the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back on December 13 with another stack of comics for you to check out. Tune in next time to see me sing a song!