Hey you cool cats! We’re back this week with another edition of the Rogues Portal Pull List to highlight the newest comics in our boxes for August 16th. A ton of comics hit the shelves each week and we’re here to weed out the best. So here’s what’s caught our eye and what you might consider picking up this Wednesday!
Rogues’ Essentials:
Curse Words #7
- Curse Words continually brings the fun, and issue after issue the art leaves me mesmerized. – Anelise
- Issue Six started the new arc which was fun and exciting. Looks like we get to meet some other Wizards and Witches here. Grab this if you haven’t yet. – Greg
Dark Nights Metal #1
- The Watchmen are coming to town. But why and how? With just some hints here and there, the mystery did not get any clearer. This could change with this Batman centred event. I enjoyed the first two one-shots titled “Dark Days” and I am really excited to read whats coming next – Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo join forces again! – Christoph
- Snyder and Capullo are comic book gold, They have a lot to live up to but history tells us this should be good. – Greg
Regression #4
- This comic proves that horror can be aesthetically gorgeous, definitely excited for issue #4. – Anelise
- Nightmare fuel in the best way, every image is grotesquely impactful and I still can’t help but root for Adrian. – Kylee
Rockstars #6
- I grew up listening to 70s music and still do so to this day, but I can’t tell you the amount of times my mom expressed concern that my Led Zeppelin records were actually Satanic. This comic takes all of those fears quite literally, and it’s AWESOME! Plus there is a cool cat, so yeah this comic rocks — no pun intended. – Anelise
- I love the whole concept behind this series. A nice mix of urban legend, actual events, and mystery. – Greg
Spider-men II #2
- Brian Michael Bendis is someone who can write great comics. It doesn’t mean that he always does, but he has the skill to do it. I didn’t really enjoy Civil War 2, it felt like a disingenuous cash grab to me. However, his work since then on the likes of Jessica Jones, Irredeemable Iron Man and Defenders has been good. Spider-men II looks to be a comic in the vein as the latter rather than the former. He wrote Ultimate Spider-man for over a decade so he has a great grasp on the characters. I, for one, am interested in picking up the next issue especially after the last page cliff hanger of the last issue. – Robert
- One of the great mysteries promises to be solved in this series. Off to a good start, I can’t wait to find out more about the 616 Miles. – Greg
Anelise’s Picks
Descender #23
Space, robots, post-human philosophy-count me in. Descender is one of my favorite series of late!
Neil Gaiman’s American Gods Shadows #6
Seeing one of my favorite Gaiman books turn into a comic series has been awesome.
Winnebago Graveyard #3
I love a nostalgic horror comic with just the right amount of ingenuity.
Christoph’s Picks
I Hate Fairyland #15
Sadly this is the end of the current story arc and could be a game changer for the series. Or not. Read I Hate Fairyland – it’s one of the best series out there!
Superman #29
Is Superman becoming a Yellow Lantern? Maybe. I love the Superman series, mainly because it’s not really a Superman book, but a Kent-Family book. And this new arc sounds promising…
Greg’s Picks
Astonishing X-Men #2
Great start to this series and here we get to see the team move further into taking on a classic X-Men foe.
Generations Wolverine And All-New Wolverine #1
So far these Generations titles have been great and with the relationship that Lara and Logan had in the past there should be lots of story to draw upon.
Misfit City #4
This book has been a fun adventure. With the series ending here I am curious to see what treasures the girls uncover and if it might lead to other adventures.
Spy Seal #1
So let me get this straight: There is a seal and he is a spy? Yes please!
Time And Vine #2
The first issue did a great job introducing us to a great premise, I look forward to seeing where this second adventure takes us.
X-Men Blue #9
So far this series has reinvigorated the original five, time-displaced X-Men in my opinion.
Josh’s Picks
James Bond: Kill Chain #2
This is a 007 adventure I can’t remember seeing. MI6 and the CIA are manipulated into being at odds with one another while Bond investigates the death of another agent.
Kill the Minotaur #3
Greek myths were a big staple in my formative years, so of course I’m picking this up! The creators turned this classic legend into a horror story while exploring the character of Theseus and truly making the Minotaur something to be feared
Secret Weapons #3
Livewire continues to help the abandoned psiots and find answers about the creature hunting them. This is a character driven series with Amanda McKee at the centre.
Kylee’s Picks
Godshaper #5
I can’t get over Jonas Goonface’s art in this series, every time I think I have a favorite page picked out, he outdoes himself in the next issue. I can’t imagine anyone else’s art accompanying the layered, complex world that Si Spurrier has crafted in Godshaper.
Briggs Land Lone Wolves #3
For anyone who is seeking a scathing critique of the state of the world, look no further than Brian Woods’ uncomfortably on the nose series. Every issue makes me pause, contemplate, and wonder, “What if…?”
Robert’s Picks
Genius Cartel #1
Marc Bernardin, the co-host of the lovely Fatmen on Batman with Kevin Smith, is also a hell of a writer. He was the head of The LA times entertainment writing depart and has written for several television shows. I love his analysis and his thoughts on the way story works. This week he is returning to comics with the sequel to Genius. The book previous was what if someone with the martial acumen of Julius Caesar, Hannibal or Patton was born in the ghettos of LA. I have no idea what this new book will be about I am extremely interested
Graphic Novels
Locke And Key Heaven And Earth Deluxe Edition HC
Joe Hill is a horror genius who always manages to deliver solid, character-driven stories. – Anelise
Night Owl Society TP
If you like minimalistic art (raises hands enthusiastically) and a story about kick ass kids, pick this up.
Thanks for checking out the latest edition of the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back again next week with what we’ve got in our boxes for August 23!