Welcome to the New Year! It’s Wednesday, my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Die #2
- RPGs, strong characters, and gorgeous art — this series is a MUST READ. – Anelise
- Gillen’s comic is living up to the hype so far. Stoked for the second issue of this fantasy series. – Jim
- The first issue blew me away, and that was only the beginning. Can’t wait to see where this series takes us next. – Michael
Euthanauts #5
- Tini Howard and Nick Robles’ take on life-after-death is a weird and wonderful trip well worth taking. – Brendan
- This series by Tini Howard has been nothing short of amazing. The way that death has been dealt with and the twists are creating a tale that every fan of thoughtfully-written comics should be checking out. – Greg
Faith Dreamside #4
- Always a recommendation. – Josh
- Faith is the best. Run, don’t walk. – Stacy
Lucy Dreaming TP
- I enjoyed the first two issues very much but fell behind for some reason. Now we get to experience this weird, fun story as a whole. – Christoph
- This one went under a lot of people’s radars, but it’s a fun, crazy story worth checking out. – Michael
Man Without Fear #2
- It’s Daredevil. Enough said. – Anelise
- Hooked on this mini from Zdarsky. – Jim
- New Daredevil series written by Canadian Chip Zdarsky. – Josh
Brendan’s Pick
Barbarella Dejah Thoris #1
This is a great-looking book with a fun odd-couple vibe and potential for a great sci-fi adventure.
Cameron’s Pick
Adventure Time Season 11 #4
For those still lamenting the end of the TV series, this comic perfectly captures the sweetness and insanity the show was known for.
Christoph’s Picks
Nightwing #56
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Nightwing!
Young Justice #1
Bendis writing Young Justice? Patrick Gleason on art duty? Count me in!
Greg’s Picks
Captain Marvel #1
Kelly Thompson takes over on a new Captain Marvel series just in time to get everyone excited for the movie.
Gunning For Hits #1
1980’s. Seedy underworld of the music industy. A former hitman. Yup, I am in.
Jim’s Picks
Cemetery Beach #5
Still enjoying this dystopian epic from one of the best writers out there.
Criminal #1
I love Brubaker’s work, so I’m an easy sell on this comic.
Thor #9
The art alone makes this comic a must buy.
Josh’s Picks
Martian Manhunter #2
Readers get to see Martian society like never before, and J’onn J’onnz in a whole new light.
Turok #1
Who doesn’t want to see a guy hunt dinosaurs? The Wild West setting is a nice touch, too.
Michael’s Picks
Prodigy #2
I didn’t expect to like this as much as I did. There were so many twists in the first issue that will be hard to follow up in the second, but I’m sure Millar will find a way.
Web Of Venom Unleashed #1
Ryan Stegman and Carnage. Enough said.
Stacy’s Picks
Archie Meets Batman ’66 #6
This book is a pure charm factory from start to finish. If you’re not reading it, you need to correct that deficiency pronto.
Atomic Robo And The Dawn Of A New Era #1
Atomic Robo is one of the best comics out there, bar none. Pick it up whenever possible, you won’t regret it.
Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor #3
Now that the 13th Doctor’s first season has come to a close, this series is the only game in town for more Whovian fun. Good thing it’s excellent reading!
Wrong Earth #5
You guys are buying The Wrong Earth, right? Because quite frankly I need someone to freak out about it with.
Graphic Novels
Modern Fantasy TP
Another TPB I can recommend. If you hadn’t had the chance to check out this wonderful series, do it now! – Christoph
X-23 Volume 1 Family Album TP
If you slept on this series when it rebooted, then this is your chance to see why Lara and Gabby might be two of the best characters right now. – Greg
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!