It’s Wednesday, my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
American Carnage #2
- The whole concept behind this book is brilliant. Add the brilliant writing and art and you have a book that is a must read. – Greg
- My favorite of the new Vertigo books. Topical, well-written, and entertaining. – Jim
Gideon Falls #9
- Hasn’t lost a step. Still a great read. – Jim
- Here I am recommending Gideon Falls again. Whats new? – Josh
Klaus And The Crying Snowman #1
- Klaus is like the new year’s resolution you never come around to or drop on January 2nd. I read and loved the first issue of the original run, but never picked up another one. Not this year. I am coming for you, Grant Morrison! Well, for your comics… – Christoph
- I am late this this train as I just started reading this tradition last year. That being said Morrison is a brilliant storyteller and the title alone has me looking forward to this episode. – Greg
- This is my favourite Christmas tradition. Reading new issues of Klaus, and seeing what new chaos Morrison can come up with for the Big Man in Red. – Josh
Middlewest #2
- Just as the year is coming to an end, Skottie Young brings us one of the best first issues of it. It is not only the remarkable artwork, the intriguing world-building, the relatable young protagonist or fleshed-out side characters — it is the unique and special combination of all of them. Read Middlewest. – Christoph
- Young is showing how deep his talent goes with this series. I cannot remember a first issue where I was in after just a few pages. Emotional, thought-provoking, and breathtaking. I can’t wait to see what is next. – Greg
Christoph’s Picks
Batman #61
First, I thought the name Scott Snyder equals Batman. Nobody could ever replace the master. But then a man came along. A man with a plan, with an impressive creative team, pulling every available Bat-recourse available. Read Tom King’s Batman.
Killmonger #2
Focusing on the lost years of Killmonger, and therein serving as a kind of prequel to the Black Panther movie, I had to pick up the first issue and was not disappointed.
Nightwing #55
It took some getting used to as the first three issues by the new creative team had some flaws. The last issue though was a game changer. I hope they stay on this path and keep Nightwing great.
Greg’s Pick
West Coast Avengers #6
Read This Series!
Jim’s Picks
Days Of Hate #11
Kot at his best. Political, brooding, and powerful.
Defenders The Best Defense #1
Looking forward to seeing how this miniseries comes together.
Thor #8
I’ve been enjoying this change of pace from Aaron. Check out the art!
Josh’s Picks
Firefly #2
I never thought about the potential stories that Mal and Zoe could’ve had during the Unification War. Take me out to the black, tell em I ain’t coming back.
Livewire #1
She’s been kicking butt in Harbinger, Unity, Secret Weapons and every other appearance she’s made, so its about time she gets her own series!
X-O Manowar #22
More Aric VS invaders from the Unknown.
Stacy’s Pick
Quincredible #2
Quincredible is a fun superhero origin story that definitely deserves a place on your pull list.
Graphic Novels
Flash The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 1 HC
The Silver Age of comics began with Barry Allen. This collection lets you get in on the ground floor of the rebirth of the superhero genre. – Stacy
Nova By Abnett And Lanning The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP
RICHARD RIDER — IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU PAY ATTENTION AT THIS TIME. Abnett & Lanning’s run on the Human Rocket is required reading as far as I’m concerned. – Stacy
Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse The Art Of The Movie HC
I want to know everything about the making of this flick, and this tome looks like a great place to start. – Stacy
Super Sons Omnibus HC
Super Sons is a delight. – Stacy
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!