It’s Wednesday my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Murder Falcon #1
- An uninspired heavy metal guitarist finds out that his band needs to get back together to help save the world. Plus a giant eagle with a metal arm. I’m in! – Greg
- I love metal, I love comics, and I love ridiculous stories, and this looks like it has the trinity all in one place. – Michael
Punks Not Dead Volume 1 Teenage Kicks TP
- This punk-rock supernatural story is a blast. – Anelise
- If you skipped this when it was running monthly you owe it to yourself to pick up the trade. Such a unique and interesting story. – Greg
- Can’t wait to have this brilliant first arc all in one place. Punk truly is not dead because it lives in this book. – Michael
Spider-Geddon #1
- Spider-verse was a great experience, the preludes were interesting – let’s get this Spider-Geddon started! – Christoph
- And so begins the biggest Spider-crossover yet. – Josh
- Spider-Geddon, Spider-Geddon, More exciting than a Spider-Weddin. – Michael
X-Men Black Mojo #1
- X-Men Black Magneto was something else, and I don’t know if anyone can top that. But I am willing to give Mojo a chance. – Christoph
- Last week was Magneto–this week Mojo. As much as I am looking forward to see where they take Mojo, it’s the back story by Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler that really has me wondering what is next for one of the X-Men’s biggest villains. – Greg
- The X-Men Black series is off to a great start. Let’s hope it continues its momentum with this lesser-known villain. – Michael
Anelise’s Picks
Archie Halloween Spectacular #1
Archie and Halloween. MUST READ.
Jughead The Hunger #9
More Riverdale horror goodness.
Christoph’s Picks
Animosity #16
A couple of weeks ago I read everything of Animosity to catch up on a supposedly excellent series. Hell, did I miss some great stuff. Interesting characters, world-building you have never seen before, great artwork. Read this series!
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #13
The shattered grid event might be over, but the ramifications and consequences must be dealt with also. Can’t wait to find out what’s next for our Power Rangers.
Weatherman #5
Don’t miss out on Weatherman. This series is a rollercoaster. Jump on before it’s too late.
Greg’s Pick
Supergirl #23
Cancelled and then brought back when Bendis began his Superman run. I enjoyed the series before, but since coming back from the cancelled list the book has been hitting all the right notes.
Josh’s Pick
Hawkman #5
Hawkman is my new favourite superhero.
Ninja-K #12
Its about a British spy who is also a spy. Just read it my dudes.
Quantum Age #3
Black Hammer is cool. All the kids are reading it. Read this Legion of Superheroes, Space Age version of Black Hammer.
Michael’s Picks
Catwoman #4
This series is masterfully written and illustrated, but honestly…look at the Artgerm variant cover for this. Look at it.
Devil Within #1
It’s spooky season. Bring on the spooky comics. Paranormal and paranoia is a great mix for a horror story.
Stacy’s Pick
Wrong Earth #2
The first issue was a jaw-dropper, I definitely can’t wait to see where Peyer and Ingle take this at turns fun and frightening take on superhero tropes.
Graphic Novels
Kong On The Planet Of Apes TP
Its King Kong. On the Planet of the Apes. You couldn’t get a more perfect concept out of this. – Josh
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies HC
The romanticization of drug-addicted pop-culture icons is a unique premise. – Anelise
Ninja-K Volume 2 The Coalition TP
Ninjak is really, really great you guys. – Stacy
Quasar Cosmos In Collision TP
Mark Gruenwald’s run on Quasar is a master class in fun comics, and the fact we’re finally getting trade paperback collections makes me so incredibly happy. Plus, this trade sees some of the earliest work by one Greg Capullo! Definitely on my must-get list. – Stacy
Royal City Volume 3 We All Float On TP
This series gives me the feels every single time I read a page of it. – Anelise
Terrifics Volume 1 Meet The Terrifics TP
I’ve been looking forward to snatching up this series in a collected edition for a while now. Can’t wait to get my mitts on this trade! – Stacy
Thrilling Adventure Hour Volume 1 A Spirited Romance TP
The podcast was good, but the comics are great. If you want fun, funny comics you need The Thrilling Adventure Hour! – Stacy
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!