It’s Wednesday my dudes, and that means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops every week, and it’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes. So we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Bone Parish #1
- Horror and Cullen Bunn is a perfect pairing. – Anelise
- Honestly, I was surprised to see Bunn doing horror over at Boom! The premise sounds wacky and downright horrifying. – Cory
- Wait! people are smoking peoples remains to get high? Huh. Well, with Bunn at the helm I am going to check it out. – Greg
Descender #32
- Lemire created something special with this magnificent series, and I am eager to find out how everything wraps up. The coloring alone is worth every dollar. – Christoph
- The finale is here. If Lemire hadn’t already announced Ascender, a sequel that takes place 10 years after this series, I would be an emotional wreck! – Cory
Justice League Dark #1
- Tynion’s recently concluded run on Detective made me a fan. Can’t wait to see what he does with this lineup. – Cory
- Tynion’s run on Detective was great. I can’t wait to see what he does with this unique team. – Greg
- Just look at that team up. Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, Man-Bat…I’m excited. – Michael
Long Con #1
- The Solicit makes this book sound like a must read. – Greg
- Post-apocalyptic survivors of the longest Comic-Con ever…that description has me hooked. – Michael
Long Lost Volume 1 TP
- A gorgeous gothic tale! – Anelise
- I have heard great things about this series. I’ve been waiting for this trade to come out, so I can dig in. – Cory
- If you have not been reading this monthly, you have been missing out. Thankfully the trade is here so you can catch up. – Greg
Modern Fantasy #2
- A witty, relatable comic with a great balance of fantasy and realism. – Anelise
- The crossover of DnD and Office Space felt too real. More of this. – Michael
Anelise’s Pick
Punks Not Dead #6
A wild supernatural, punk-filled ride.
Christoph’s Picks
Action Comics #1001
I am looking forward to reading this issue. Bendis did a great job with Man of Steel. Also, Superman #1 kicked off the space adventures of the character. Now it is time to learn more about Bendis’s version of Clark Kent.
Hit-Girl #6
Hit-Girl is the wild, crazy, fun ride I need once a month and with I Hate Fairyland gone, this series fills the void perfectly. And the new story-arc has a fluffin’ bear in it, so there is that…
Marvel Two-In-One #8
I love the dynamic between Ben and Johnny in this series and the dimension-hopping, alternate-reality traveling storyline is incredible. And don’t get me started on the cliffhanger of the last issue; it’s so good!
Cory’s Picks
DC Beach Blanket Bad Guys Special #1
This 80-page, 10-story, giant actually looks kind of fun based on the talent alone. I mean, we’re getting a Deathstroke story by Shea Fontana, Mr. Freeze by Paul Dini and Black Manta by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman.
Infinity Wars Prime #1
The Infinity Countdown books have been a blast, and largely underrated. I know we should be sick of comic book events, but this one looks to be a fun, amazing ride. Plus, no disrepect to Aaron Kuder, who has done all the art up until now, but we’re getting Deodato from here on out.
Greg’s Picks
Mr. And Mrs. X #1
Kelly Thompson is picking up an ongoing series starring Gambit and Rogue? After the mini that she did, I am in.
X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #1
The first book of this is amazing, both the storytelling and the art. Plus you get the index in the back, which is a great reference to use.
Jameson’s Pick
Adventure Time Beginning Of The End #3
I’ve really been enjoying this timey-wimey incarnation of Adventure Time, so I’m looking forward to this thrilling conclusion!
Josh’s Picks
Britannia Lost Eagles Of Rome #1
One of the best titles at Valiant. Its a mystery, its political drama, its historical, and with a healthy dose of folklore.
X-O Manowar #17
Aric of Dacia ends up in the gladiator ring!
Michael’s Picks
Lucy Dreaming #5
This series has flown mostly under the radar, and that ain’t right. Should be a good conclusion to a witty and fun comic.
Moon Knight #197
Max Bemis has been writing Moon Knight with a good balance of psychological weirdness and a great sense of humor. I’m excited to see where he takes this series next.
Graphic Novels
James Bond Case Files Volume 1 HC
A collection of one-shot stories featuring Bond, “M”, and Miss Moneypenny that explore the world of Dynamite’s 007. – Josh
Superman For All Seasons TP
Superman by Jeph Loeb with art by Tim Sale is a must read. – Josh
That’s all we have for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to check out. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!