Another dawn, another day, another comic to be read. It’s Wednesday my dudes, which means it’s New Comic Book Day! There are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops. It’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes, so we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Let’s see what’s new for May 30th. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Abbott #5
- Boom, please announce another chapter in this series. I just can’t quite let it go! – Cory
- The story, artwork, and just about everything in this series has been phenomenal. Sad to see it end. – Michael
- Ditto, Michael. – Anelise
Barrier #5
- This comic is doing some really cool stuff with language and art. And there’s aliens. Read it. – Anelise
- The artwork is so expressive and full of life that it doesn’t even need words. Having Brian K. Vaughn writing words for it is just an added bonus. – Cory
- This short series has been nothing short of amazing. There is so much going on in it that every read of it unveils a new detail that you missed. I cannot wait to see how they end this thing. – Greg
Blackwood #1
- Veronica Fish’s art is energetic and fun. And the premise of a Harry Potter-type story for adults is intriguing. – Cory
- The concept of the series got my attention. The fact that Veronica Fish is the artist on the book sold me on it. – Greg
- This might be the dumbest reason ever, but for some reason, the cover reminds me of Magus’s castle in Chrono Trigger and that’s a big reason I’m drawn to read this. – Michael
Descender #30
- So far Descender has been an incredible book. What gets to me every time is the artwork–be it big scenes or intimate moments, all of it looks gorgeous. Only two issues left. – Christoph
- This book is coming to an end. Sob! looking forward to how this one wraps up. – Cory
Man Of Steel #1
- This is the first DC issue entirely written by Bendis. The preview in the Action Comics #1000 special looked intriguing, and this mini-series seems like a great place to start this journey. – Christoph
- I cannot remember the last time that I picked up a Superman book. Bendis is one of those writers that is hit and miss for me, but, seeing as this is his first Superman/DC book, I feel like I have to check it out.- Greg
Mech Cadet Yu Volume 1 GN
- This boy-robot series is equal amounts nostalgia and novelty. – Anelise
- One of my favorite books on the stands right now. It’s sweet, thrilling, and emotionally poignant. – Cory
Supergirl Being Super TP
- I’ve heard good things about this series, and I’m looking forward to finally catching up on it! – Anelise
- This series is amazing! Tamaki’s characterization and dialogue, both intra and interpersonal, is wonderfully written. She made me a fan of Kara Danvers. – Cory
Vampironica #2
- Vampironica is classic horror done in a fresh way. – Anelise
- The Smallwoods have a beauty on their hands here. It’s fun, creepy, and looks gorgeous to boot. – Frank
- First one was surprisingly good. Veronica as Blade done in a fun way. – Michael
Cory’s Pick
Kong Of Skull Island 2018 Special #1
A prequel to the movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed, about one Viking expedition after another, over decades, to try and tame the island and its beasts. I’m guessing it doesn’t go too well for them.
Frank’s Picks
Hillbilly #10
I’m a new convert to this book…witches, rednecks, monsters, gore.. it was an easy sell!
Vs #4
This might be the most interesting, best-looking book on the stands right now. Seriously, everyone should be talking about this book.
Greg’s Pick
Royal City #11
New arc on this beautiful series from Lemire. Jump on if you have not been reading this.
Josh’s Picks
Harbinger Wars 2 #1
Valiant events are always a blast. This gives off a Captain America Civil War vibe but darker. Stakes are high so expect superhero smashing.
Pestilence: A Story Of Satan #1
The sequel to Knights vs Zombies. Features conspiracies, the church, and the Black Death plague.
Quantum And Woody #6
Quantum and Woody’s bracelets, which give them their powers and keep them from disintegrating, aren’t working thanks to what’s happening in Harbinger Wars 2. Looking forward to seeing how they get out of this mess.
Michael’s Picks
Lucas Stand Inner Demons #4
Time-traveling demon slayer from the guy behind Sons of Anarchy is just too hard to pass up.
We Are Danger #1
Nationwide Battle of the Bands contest…sign me up.
Graphic Novels
The Archies Volume 1 TP
Battle-of-the-bands fun with some of my favorite characters, what’s not to love? – Anelise
Jupiter Jet Volume 1 TP
Jupiter Jet is a lot of fun, great for the young and young at heart. – Stacy
Lone Ranger And Tonto Prose Frontier Justice Novel SC
I’m a sucker for a prose anthology featuring licensed characters, and this one’s dedicated to the Lone Ranger and Tonto. HI-HO SILVER! – Stacy
Punisher War Machine Volume 1 TP
Frank Castle gets his hands on the War Machine armor. Cancel Christmas. – Stacy
Solo A Star Wars Story The Official Guide HC
I’ve seen the movie, and I definitely want to learn more about the world of Solo. This looks like a great place to start! – Stacy
Void Trip TP
Bleak, beautiful, perfect science fiction. – Anelise
Where We Live Las Vegas Shooting Benefit Anthology TP
A collection of stories by a group of volunteer creators, whose sales go toward helping the families of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, count me in. – Stacy
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!