It’s gonna be May! The first New Comic Book Day of the month and there are tons of new comics hitting the shelves of your local comic shops. It’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes, so we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Let’s see what’s new for May 2nd. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Coda #1
- A new series by writer Simon Spurrier, who brought us Godshaper and X-Men Legacy: Legion. I read a synopsis that said it’s “perfect for fans of Mad Max and The Lord of the Rings.” So, shut up and take my money. – Christoph
- If it’s written by Spurrier, then I’m going to check it out. – Cory
- Si Spurrier once told me that you need to create a functioning economy in order to tell stories in your world that aren’t necessarily about the world. That’s the least interesting way to say Spurrier’s worldbuilding is awe-inspiring, Matias Bergara’s artwork looks gorgeous, and I’m here for the Mad Max influences of this series. – Kylee
Come Into Me #2
- I’ll read anything by Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler, and they are killing it with this modern body horror series. – Anelise
- The more I read from this creative team the more impressed I am by them. Everything they write has so many layers to it and makes you really think. The end of the first issue was a shock and I cannot wait to see where it takes us. – Greg
Death Or Glory #1
- Remender’s name warrants checking out at least his first issues. – Cory
- A new Rick Remender book? Sold! – Frank
- Rick Remender and an idea that sounds kinda original and crazy? I’m in! – Greg
Long Lost #6
- There really is only two choices for this series. Have it on your pull list and read it. Or go and add it to your pull list and find the back issues and read it. – Greg
- The best comic on stands wraps up its first arc with this issue. Snag the whole lot, and gift them once the trade comes out. You’ll inevitably buy it. That’s what I’m doing. – Mark
Red Sonja Tarzan #1
- I’ve never read a Red Sonja or Tarzan book, but there’s something about this mashup, and the fact that Gail Simone is writing it, that has me intrigued. – Cory
- Gail Simone tells a great story. I really enjoyed the Conan-Wonder Woman mash up. I can’t wait to see what she does with Red Sonja and Tarzan. – Jim
Anelise’s Picks
Shade The Changing Woman #3
Shade is one of my all-time favorite comic characters. Each issue is so well done, and I’m always left feeling both satisfied and eager for more.
Christoph’s Picks
Breathless #2
I liked the first issue of this new series quite a lot. An engaging female protagonist and a Cabin-In-The-Woods-like cliffhanger is all you need to make this comic worthwhile
Giant Days #38
*Sigh* Giant Days. My monthly feel-good-dosage of a slice-of-life comic, everybody should read.
Cory’s Pick
Avengers #1
Jason Aaron’s Thor has been amazing! High hopes for this book as he’s said he’ll do the whole “past, present and future” timelines like he did so expertly in Thor: God of Thunder.
Frank’s Picks
Red Sonja #15
Amy Chu and Carlos Gomez continue to crank out one of the most entertaining and downright fun books every month.
Greg’s Pick
Exit Stage Left The Snagglepuss Chronicles #5
When I heard the premise of the story and the creative team I knew it was going to be a great read and I have not been disappointed.
Rogue And Gambit #5
This has been an amazing series so far. The only thing that is disappointing is that this is the last issue.
Mark’s Picks
Daygloayhole #1
Ben Passmore is fucking phenomenal. This needs to be on your radar.
Venomized #5
Can’t believe this event is over. I’m satiated for now, but no amount of Venom content can satisfy me forever. I’ll ALWAYS need more.
Graphic Novels
Agents Of Atlas The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP
A gigantic collection covering the best Marvel super-team you’ve never heard of. I highly recommend this one. – Frank
Ghost The Owl HC
This is a fairy-tale for the modern age. Gorgeously illustrated too! – Anelise
Gravediggers Union Volume 1 TP
I’ve been waiting for this trade to catch up on something I should have been reading since issue one. – Jim
Jazz Maynard Volume 2
Jazz Maynard stands out as an example of what American comics have to learn from their European counterparts. – Mark
Reborn TP
So what if when we died we were reunited with friends and family in an epic battle to save the afterlife? Well check this out and find out! – Greg
She-Hulk Volume 3 Jen Walters Must Die TP
Tamaki’s She-Hulk run is my favorite Marvel comics in the last few years. Sad to see it go, glad to complete the collection. – Mark
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!