It’s Wednesday my dudes! And every Wednesday tons of new comics hit the shelves of your local comic shops. It’s not always easy deciding what to get, let alone what you should add to your pull boxes, so we’ve put together the Rogues Portal Pull List to show you the best comics that you might have missed! Let’s see what’s new for April 11th. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Dead Hand #1
- Fact: The Dead Hand refers to a Cold War-era automatic nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union. It is believed to still be in use today. This should be a good, suspenseful read given the U.S.’s current tenuous relationship with Russia. – Cory
- Cold War! Spies! Government secrets and cover-ups! The premise on this one sounds great. – Greg
Dry County #2
- As much as nothing happened in the first issue, I’m intrigued by the characters and really digging the minimalist, retro art. – Anelise
- Tommaso’s character work was a one in the first issue. I’m hoping the plot picks up a little in this issue. – Cory
Gideon Falls #2
- Issue 1 was a perfect setup. Lemire & Sorrentino were meant to make comics together. – Cory
- The ending of issue one alone was enough to get me wanting more. – Greg
- Last issue dropped me in the middle of a conspiracy crossed with supernatural horror. I’m super intrigued. – Josh
Ninja-K #6
- The guy who trained every ninja in MI-6’s ninja programme has created a team of villains! Ninjak has to make his own team to take them down! Featuring Dr. Mirage and Livewire! I’m so excited for this! – Josh
- SECONDED! – Stacy
Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #2
- Can Kirkman ever disappoint with his post-apocalyptic storytelling genius? I think not. – Anelise
- The first issue had enough intrigue to get me to commit for at least the first arc. – Cory
Robocop Citizens Arrest #1
- Good writer? Check! Interesting premise? Check! Published by Boom! Studios? Check! – Cory
- A Robocop book set in the original continuity that is written by Brian Wood? Sign me up. Then all into the fact the storyline of a world when justice is crowd sourced. I can not wait to see how this tuns out. – Greg
Anelise’s Picks
Eternity Girl #2
Sometimes you just think, “this is a comic that was made for me!” and yeah, that’s what’s going on here with this depressing, beautiful story.
Greg’s Picks
Exiles #1
I loved the original series. The cast of characters for the first arc sounds great, and I wonder what new and unique characters we may meet in the future.
Jameson’s Picks
Adventure Time Comics #22
As my favorite cartoon creeps towards its series finale, I want to consume as much Adventure Time content as humanly possible.
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #31
This standalone issue of Squirrel Girl will be great reading even for those who (foolishly) haven’t been reading this awesome run.
Josh’s Picks
Brothers Dracul #1
The origin story of Horror’s greatest villain! Dracula is here!
Stacy’s Picks
Domino #1
It’s Gail Simone writing Domino. Timely for the upcoming Deadpool sequel? Yeah, but Simone’s writing never fails to impress.
Graphic Novels
Coyotes Volume 1 TP
Want to read about a 13-year-old girl fighting werewolves with a katana? I sure do. Excited to catch up on the first 4 issues in this trade! – Josh
Family Trade Volume 1 TP
The art and the style of the comic enticed me to pick this book. I literally have no idea what this book is about, but there seems to be a female assassin and some thematic colouring in watercolours. So I am super excited to read this! – Hafsa
Hawkman By Geoff Johns Volume 2 TP
While Hawkman tends to be DC’s Moon Knight (a great visual that very rarely lives up to its potential) I can’t deny the Geoff Johns run on Hawkman was impressive stuff. Definitely check it out if you’re at all curious about the winged wonder. – Stacy
H.G Wells The Time Machine GN
H.G. Wells is considered the father of Science Fiction and has written some of my all-time favourite stories. I’m excited for this adaptation. – Josh
James Bond Casino Royale HC
I’m a big James Bond fan and I’m looking forward to seeing how they adapt Ian Flemming’s classic novel. – Josh
Robotech Archives Omnibus The Macross Saga Volume 1 TP
I LOVE ROBOTECH YOU GUYS. This archived edition is a great place to start if you’re at all curious about the little Harmony Gold series that could. – Stacy
Superman Exile And Other Stories Omnibus HC
A classic run from the Post-Crisis Superman stable. It handles the issue of Superman taking a life far, far better than Man of Steel did. – Stacy
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out the Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!