It’s Wednesday my dudes! And that means it’s New Comic Book Day at Rogues Portal. Every Wednesday new comics hit the shelves of your local comic shops, so we here at Rogues Portal try to find the best books to add to our pull lists and yours. Let’s see what’s new on the Rogues Portal Pull List for January 31st. Tons of new comics come out each week, and it’s not always easy picking out the best ones. Here’s what we’re getting and what you should check out today!
Rogues’ Essentials
Dark Nights Metal #5
- We’re rolling toward what should be an epic end. Seems each issue just ups the epicness. – Greg
- I’m looking forward to this one! – Stacy
Defenders #9
- This book has been a nice surprise. Other than Jessica Jones, this might be the book I miss the most after Bendis completes his move over to DC. – Cory
- Bendis is winding down his tenure at Marvel, but I’ll miss this book the most for Marquez’s fantastic work. – Frank
Jean Grey #11
- We’re at the finale for Teen Jean before she steps aside for the return of her older, resurrected self. Confused yet? – Frank
- Last we saw of young Jean she was being vaporized by the Phoenix Force. So, where is she now? – Greg
Lazaretto #5
- I’m eager to see how this contagion-horror story wraps up! – Anelise
- This series has just been getting crazier and crazier with each issue. I can’t wait to see what the team has in store for the end of the series. – Greg
Phoenix Resurrection The Return Of Jean Grey #5
- I love how creepy this series is, and I am looking forward/also sad to see how it concludes. – Anelise
- So far the creative team has been able to create a mystical story with bits of horror elements to it. Hopefully they can stick the landing in this final issue. – Greg
Realm #5
- Realm is high fantasy done right! – Anelise
- So what kind of mystical character will we meet next? – Greg
Anelise‘s Picks
Long Lost #3
Looking for a unique horror story about two intriguing sisters? READ LONG LOST. Also the art is amazing.
Void Trip #3
A gorgeous space story with compelling characters and existential dread, what more could a girl want?
Cory‘s Picks
Flash Annual #1
It’s the prelude to Flash War. I am really digging Williamson’s run!
Jessica Jones #16
It’s hard to imagine that Bendis’ run has to come to an end! Is there any way DC will allow him to continue this? *fingers crossed*
Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #27
This book has been such a sweet surprise. Check it out if you’ve let this slip by on account of it being an all-ages book.
Frank’s Picks
Beautiful Death #5
This book has been a visual spectacle accompanied by a serviceable post-apocalyptic tale. I’m looking forward to the conclusion.
Creeps #13
Creeps has been an absolute blast, faithfully creating the look and feel of the old Warren magazines. Love the covers every month!
Jameson‘s Picks
Hungry Ghosts #1
This is a horror comic written by celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain. What is with comics this week??? I just can’t stop laughing.
Star Wars Adventures Forces Of Destiny Rose And Paige
I have been loving how cute and heartwarming Forces of Destiny has been, and this week features my new favorite sisters from The Last Jedi! So excited to see Rose and Paige in action together!
Star Wars The Last Jedi DJ #1
I’m intrigued! Star Wars comics have been doing a good job playing with some of the more morally grey characters in the series (like Doctor Aphra!), and I’m curious to see what they’ll do with DJ.
Josh‘s Picks
Eternity #4
This is the finale to Divinity’s trip in the Unknown. The world is crumbling as the balance in an ages-long conflict between the past-lighters and future-lighters is lost.
Quantum And Woody #2
The world’s worst super team is being broken up, but they can’t not see each other once every 24 hours or else they’ll die. Can they finally be separated? Either way: SUPERHERO FIGHT!
Stacy’s Picks
Astro City #50
If you’re not reading Astro City, you are MISSING OUT. The series proper is coming to an end (to be followed by a graphic novel) but trust me, every issue and trade paperback collection is pure gold.
Atomic Robo And The Spectre Of Tomorrow #4
Atomic Robo is a delight.
John Carpenter’s Tales Of Science Fiction Vortex #4
A science fiction anthology overseen by genre legend John Carpenter? Where do I sign?
Graphic Novels
Godshaper TP
Two words: Jonas Goonface. Okay, two more words: Simon Spurrier. This story is wacky, weird and more heartfelt as any other book on the shelf. – Cory
Gunnerkrigg Court Volume 6 HC
Gunnerkrigg Court has been my favorite webcomic for YEARS, and the hardcover volumes and treatises are always gorgeous! – Jameson
Michael Chabon’s The Escapist Amazing Adventures TP
If you enjoyed Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Klay, you’ll have some fun with these “in-universe” stories of their comicbook superhero The Escapist. I own a couple of the smaller digest-sized collections, but it’ll be great to have all the stories collected in one volume. – Stacy
Mystery Men The Golden Age TP
Ever wonder what the Pulp Heroes of Marvel might’ve been like? This trade’s got an entertaining answer for you. – Stacy
Saucer State TP
Aliens? Government conspiracy? Consider me intrigued. – Anelise
Shade The Changing Girl Volume 2 Little Runaway TP
This sci-fi coming-of-age story is THE BEST. Enough said. – Anelise
Star Wars Cookbook BB-ATE Awaken To The Force Of Breakfast HC
This is not actually even a comic, but it is a Star Wars-themed breakfast cookbook with recipes such as “Kylo’s Ren-egade Fruit Bowls,” “Luke Skywaffles” and “Han Soloatmeal.” I have laughed myself to death, and I am now a ghost. R.I.P. – Jameson
Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 2 Pilgrimage TP
Listen, I love Legendary Defender. Hopefully catching up on the comic will hold me over until the next season! – Jameson
That’s all for this week! Thanks for checking out this week’s Rogues Portal Pull List! We’ll be back next week with a brand new list for you to peruse. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Channel!