Rogue & Gambit #2
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Pere Perez
Colorist: Frank D’Armata
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Review by Greg Brothers
Anyone who has been in any type of long-term relationship knows that at some point you and your significant other are going to disagree about some of the details. Now imagine that the first time that you met may have been affected by a mind-controlling evil entity living on the celestial plain.
Rogue & Gambit #2 picks up with Rogue and Gambit meeting with the counselor at the couples’ retreat that they are currently on. After the two run through a plethora of issues that have affected them, the counselor decides to start from the beginning: when they first met. For most couples that would be something that would be easy to agree on, but when mind control is involved it complicates things. As the issue progresses, their first meeting continues to be a point of contention, all while the two of them work to uncover the secrets of the island retreat.
When you are exploring a long-established couple, one of the first concerns is that new readers may find themselves left behind. Thankfully the way that Thompson handles the couples’ past in Rogue & Gambit #2 is done in a way that fills in the basics while presenting it in an original way. This is important because it allows long-time readers and fans to see the information in an original way and get into the minds of both Gambit and Rogue. Thompson skillfully prevents the story from becoming boring as the couple continues to hash out their past while exploring the facilities. It is a smart move. I do not know if Thompson is a huge fan of the characters or took time to research them, but she seems to understand them and gets their voices right overall. While reading Rogue & Gambit #2, you feel as if you are part of a very personal and intimate conversation.
The art in Rogue & Gambit #2 continues to hit all the right notes . The character designs are true to the characters origins. In reverse fashion, the flashback panels feel as if they are brighter and more vibrant than the present-day panels. I do not know if this was a choice made by the creative team as an homage to the 90’s era stories, but it works. It makes it feel as if the past may have been a happier time for the couple as they were a little bit more naive about the world around them. The opening splash page where the couple start their argument was a brilliant way for much of the couple’s past to be explored without it feeling weighed down by unnecessary dialogue. Perez does an excellent job representing the look and feel of their characters in the flashback panels, without succumbing to the T & A that plagued many female characters’ costumes in that period.
Verdict: Buy it.
If you are a fan of the couple, then Rogue & Gambit #2 is a must read. If you are new to the couple or looking for a series that is a bit romantic comedy and a bit action adventure, then Rogue & Gambit #2 is a must read for you too. So long story short, this is a must-read series. Thompson clearly has a strong grip on the core of these characters and is creating a story that long time fans and new readers can all enjoy.