Rise of The Black Panther #4
Writer: Evan Narcisse
Artist: Javier Pina
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Colorer: Stephane Paitreau
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Review by Jason Payne
In case you haven’t been following Rise of The Black Panther, it follows the adventures of a young T’Challa as he breaks with traditions as the newly crowned king of Wakanda and exposes the country to the world stage. This was part of the reason it was timed to coincide with the release of the film. But the comic is much more than well timed promotion. It’s an amalgamation of previously told Black Panther stories with an up to date retelling. Its one of the comics that publishers use to move the timeline of their world forward due to characters not aging. Issue 3 covered T’Challa’s first encounter with the then brainwashed Winter Soldier. This issue will focus on establishing T’Challa’s relationship with Doom, Killmonger, Hunter the White Wolf, and the council.
The great thing about this issue is Narcisse’s recall of past events while adding something new. The issue is somewhat similar to T’Challa and Storm’s visit of Latveria during Huddlin’s run. Without giving too much away, the visit to Latveria goes about as well as one would expect. This issue has lots of dialog including scathing read from T’Challa to Doom. The issue concludes with a few twist that adds to the entrigue for the powerful nation of Wakanda. We know where these roads are headed by how they get there is where the fun is.
Rise of The Black Panther is easily one of Marvel’s better solo titles. Pina’s pencils and Paitreau’s colors provide a very fluid style which is very fitting for the characters. Shuri and T’Challa are very fluid in terms of movement and the art should reflect that. Because it takes place in the past, it seems to be establishing its own narrative which gives Narcisse more room to work with. Narcisse’s work gets stronger with every issue and it’s safe to assume that Marvel would use him on other books in the future.
Buy It. This comic is more political thriller than capes book and that’s a good thing. T’Challa is in the unique position where he can be both but the difference in town is refreshing, especially in the overcrowded genre of super hero comics.