The multiverse comes to Duckburg (or is that the other way around?) in this week’s spectacular one-shot Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime. Imagine that dumb movie “The One” but instead of Jet Li, it’s an evil Scrooge McDuck stealing dimes off other Scrooges. Seriously.
In a time where Scrooge McDuck’s cold heart never knew the warmth that love and family can bring, the old miser uses an old artifact to become not only the richest duck in the world…but in ALL the worlds. Armed with his number-one dime from across every dimension, the so-called Scrooge-Above-All lives in a dystopian Duckburg with all his counterparts’ money bins until one plucky duck (not even a little bit sorry) decides to turn the tables on his evil doppelgänger. And thus we plunge…into the Scrooge-verse! Okay, yeah, that one I’m sorry for.
Scrooge McDuck is not just the richest duck in Duckburg, he’s also one of the greatest adventurers in the world (and the world of comics)! Don’t believe me? Well, that’s on you, because this book will not only show you why but writer Jason Aaron flat-out tells you in his heartfelt introduction. It’s clear throughout this 60-page tome that Aaron’s heart was pinned firmly to his sleeve while writing it, though he only gets credit for the first half. The latter half of the book reprints Carl Barks’ seminal 1947 tale “Christmas on Bear Mountain”, which serves as both the catalyst and a prelude of sorts to the main story. Barks’ depiction of Scrooge is far from the gruff but lovable uncle most of us know from “Ducktales” but his version is one breath away from villainy that it totally lines up with Aaron’s tale. The writing does feel dated and it’s a bit jarring to see Donald take cover in a chandelier while letting his younger nephews deal with a potentially vicious bear but it’s still a fun read with some weirdly hilarious moments.
The story of Scrooge’s multiverse of madness is told across three chapters and an epilogue, each with a different art-team. Each artist has their own distinct style but they fit seamlessly with one another. Paolo Mottura’s opening chapter looks like if Don Rosa did a dark and gritty reboot of Uncle Scrooge Comics. Francesco D’ippolito’s chapter looks like it’s straight out of DuckTales ‘87 but with the cast in their classic-comic wardrobes. Alessandro Pastrovicchio and Vitale Mangiatordi deliver an action-packed third chapter that looks and feels as exciting as the third act of “Avengers Endgame”, while Giada Perissinotto wraps everything up with a two-page epilogue that is pure classic Disney.
If you think the idea of endless variations of characters existing within an increasingly complex multiverse is too played out, Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime manages to use nearly every single trope there is but still make the concept feel fresh and exciting. Aaron isn’t trying to subvert those tropes or complicate the narrative with shocking plot twists or gratuitous fan-service. What he’s crafted, along with the incredible art team, is a love-letter to classic Disney comics and the characters so many generations have grown up with. It also honors the creators, particularly Carl Barks and Don Rosa, that created and/or developed those characters into the ones we know and love today.