After a couple of weeks off for the holidays, we are back. A few titles changes and injuries since last time we were here, but we will touch on those later.
We start with a recap of the Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns match last week that was for the Intercontinental Title. After seeing how Reigns held on to his title, the show kicks off with Reigns on his way to the ring.
The Big Dog comes to the yard
Roman comes out to mention how Samoa Joe wasn’t able to put up last week after running his mouth. Reigns mentions that when you mess with one member of the Shield, you mess with them all, which brings out “Daddy’s Boy” Jason Jordan. Jordan acts like he is one of the members of the Shield. Speaking for Seth, he thanks Roman, before Rollins music hits. Jordan says they are the best three-man group there is, which brings out the reformed Balor Club. Balor says they have been running around before Jordan even knew who his dad was. Balor Club runs through what they have done since joining the WWE. Finn says that 2018 is the year of The Balor Club. After a quick scuffle, Angle comes out to set of a Six-Man Tag match for the main event.
Good the see the Balor club was not just a one-off last week. I think it is pretty obvious at some point Jordan is going to cost Reigns his title.
Bailey & Sasha Banks vs. Mandy Rose & Sonia Deville
As the announcers set up the Women’s Royal Rumble match, Mandy Rose takes the early advantage. Going into the commercial, Bailey knocks Mandy Rose out of the ring and tags in Sasha Banks. Back from the commercial, Sasha Banks has the advantage. Eventually Rose is able to hit a high knee and get the tag to Deville. The announcers continue to talk up Rose and Deville throughout the match. As the match breaks down, Sasha is able to hit the Banks Statement for the win.
Winner: Bailey & Banks
This really gave Deville and Rose a chance to shine in this match. Bailey and Banks at no point had control of the match until the end. Great storytelling and really highlights how good the Raw Women’s Division is.
Golddust is in the back quoting Rocky trying to get Cedrick Alexander ready for his Championship match.
Woken Matt Hardy heads down to the ring as the show goes to commercial.
Woken Matt Hardy vs. Curt Hawkins
Matt tells the WWE that he is going to win the Rumble and then become the new Champ of the Multiverse. Seems legit. Hardy has a relatively easy match that ends with the win. After the Match, Bray Wyatt shows up, and the two men just laugh at each other for about three minutes before the show cuts off.
Winner: Woken Matt Hardy
The whole point of the match was to set up the meeting between Hardy and Wyatt. WWE is coming very close to burning out this angle without the payoff. They need to find a way to get these two in an actual match or find innovative ways for them to play off each other.
Welcome Back Miz
Concert Time! Elias already in the ring puts together a little guitar solo before asking the crowd who wants to walk with Elias. He sings a song about Elvis’s birthday and sitting in Memphis on a cold night. Elias introduces the Miz via his song.
The crowd cheers for the Miz, welcoming him back to Monday Night Raw. Miz talks about being the glue that holds Raw together. The Miztourage thanks the Miz for everything he has done for them. Bo and Axel try to compete to see who is more grateful for the Miz. Miz says that he allowed for Roman Reigns to hold his title while he was gone. In 2018, the Mix says he will become known as the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time.
Enzo Amore vs. Cedrick Alexander
Alexander takes control quickly with a chase around the ring and a kick to the head. Several other high impact quick moves and Alexander seems to have control until Amore knocks him out of the ring heading in the commercial. Back from break, Amore has Alexander in a headlock. A knee to the face busts Amore’s face open the hard way. Alexander hit a swan dive out of the ring. Amore grabs his leg in pain. The match ends with Amore getting counted out. Not sure if the leg injury is legit, but the knee was for sure done the hard way.
The match had some rough spots. While the leg injury was most likely a work, the busted eyebrow most definitively not.
Backstage, the Bar is complaining to Kurt Angle about wanting their rematch. He lets them know that they can have it at the Royal Rumble. Next, the Miz comes in to plug his unscripted show and to demand his rematch. Its decided that he will get it in two weeks during the Raw 25th Anniversary show.
The Bar vs. Titus Worldwide
We join the match in progress. After going back and forth, The Bar send Apollo out of the ring. The Bar starts in on the double team with several moves such as double clotheslines. The Announcers compare the Bar to teams like the APA. Titus finally is able to tag in. Several high impact moves before the Bar is able to take control again. As Sheamus misses the Brouge kick, Titus O’Neil rolls up Seamus for the win.
Winner: Titus Worldwide
Quick get the Bat Hook
Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are out next to talk about their triple threat match. Heyman goes on about it’s not a matter of if Brock wins, but who he is going to beat. As Lesnar is standing on the stage on his way out, he is attacked by Kane. As they make their way to the back Strowman shows up to take down both men. Strowman is able to find a random Grappling hook and ends up pulling the scaffolding down on both Kane and Lesnar.
Samoa Joe vs. Rhyno
The match is supposed to show Heath how to toughen up. Rhyno and Joe go a bit back and forth with Joe getting the most offense in. Joe hits the STO for a close pinfall. The hits the senton bomb for another close fall. Joe puts on the Clutch, and that’s the end.
Interview in the ring where Samoa Joe says that although Reigns won, his win had a huge cost. Joe says he will be there to finish the job when Reigns falls. Then he said he will be joining the Royal Rumble. Joe says he will never forget what John Cena did to him and promises to eliminate Cena first.
Asuka vs. ?
Alexa Bliss tries to convince Nia that Asuka was talking trash about her. As Asuka is up in the ring post taking her mask off Jax attacks her from behind.
The Balor Club vs. The Champions Club
I’m not going to go punch by punch. But the match went back and forth for most of the match with both teams getting in their various signature moves. Really the whole match was just to set up making Jordan look bad again. Jordan was in the wrong place two times. The second time leads to Rollins getting dropkicked into the corner and then getting the stomp from the top from Balor.
After the match The Miz and The Miztourage attacked Reigns hitting the Skull Crusher and the Powerbomb to go off the air.
Rough Rough show. The second half of the show was squash matches that set up other angles and botches. This show was almost unwatchable.