Raven #1
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist: Alisson Borges
Colorist: Blond
Letters: A Larger World
Review by Insha Fitzpatrick
After the separation of the Teen Titans, Raven is going her separate ways to discover a side of her family that she never knew before.
Raven has always been a character that has secrets floating around her. You always get great pieces of her backstory and she hardly seems to know what’s going with herself as well. In the new limited series Raven, we’re going to be learning more about Raven and the her journey into being “normal” and being around that environment, but in the end, finding out more about herself in the proces. This first issue very much focuses on that and the family and setting that she’s become apart of. Raven assumes a new name and a new history from Power Girl to help her transition a lot smoother, but there’s something up with this new life that Raven doesn’t understand. There is a powerful force that overtakes her and she needs to figure out what’s causing it before it does anymore harm.
I’ve always wanted to learn more and more about Raven. She’s my number one favorite Teen Titan and she’s absolutely incredible. This issue is interesting and gives another side of Raven that people may not know. She has to pick up the pieces after Teen Titans dissolves, figure out what she’s going to do and this is a cool, yet somewhat unclear transition of that. Marv Wolfman’s introduction for Raven in this issue is good, but you expect a bit more from this story. Wolfman is steering a girl into the future while she tries to learn about herself and her past, but keeping her past very much in the present. Raven has gone through a lot within her upbringing and her continues to learn about herself. This issue is just the beginning, but it seems like Wolfman is trying to fit as much as he can within the plot of this story, especially since we find out about the powerful force invading her new life.
Alisson Borges brings Raven to life in this issue and it’s absolutely stunning to say the least. Borges art with colors by Blond made the entire comic pop out to me. It just blends together perfectly for a comic. I adore artists and colorist who come together and give each and every character and setting it’s on personality. Those teams that you narrow your focus on and go, “How did you do that!?!” That’s what Blond and Borges accomplishes in this and it’s downright brilliant.
Wait and See. Raven has some great stuff in it. Allison Borges’ art and Blond’s colors are the top thing you should pick this up for. However, I’m still not sure about the story right now. Granted, Raven in it’s beginning stages so their some wiggle room for amazingness in there, but I’d like to see where this comic goes and see if the awesome that is Raven can finally bloom within her limited series.