We jump right into the news and discussions by talking about comments made by Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson. In the comments, he stated that one of the problems in the comicbook industry right now is the sheer number of books and series that are being published. We talked about if we agree with the comments and what can be done to fix the problem.

Next, we talk a bit about some casting and synopsis news for the upcoming M.O.D.O.K. animated series on Hulu. Are we exited? Less so? Well, listen and find out.

Weird Foodie News
Michael brings us the story of a man who set out to make the world’s greatest sandwich. What’s in the sandwich? Well, you start with some bread in New Zealand and then another in Spain. And in between? Well, you get a whole bunch of dirt, rocks, and magma.

Wonder Woman #750
We start out the week talking about the Wonder Woman anniversary issue. It starts with wrapping up the current arc and then fills the rest of this book in with several short stories focusing on the Amazonian. But is the extra-sized issue worth it?

Ghostbusters: Year One #1
Next, we jump over to IDW and land right on a year-one story that focuses on the original Ghostbusters. In it, a reporter is looking to write a book about what happened that fateful day in New York and the story behind the men involved. Plus, throw in some really bad poetry from Edgar Allen Poe and you end up with a book that any huge Ghostbusters fan will love.

Atlantis Attacks
Bounding right out of the Agent of Atlas series we find that not everyone is happy with the mythical land of Pan. Namely, the always surly Namor is none to happy that land-dwellers are using one of his Dragons to keep their city running.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Finally, we wrap up with the latest installment of Marvel’s misfit family of Guardians. The team has earned some much-deserved rest and relaxation — that is until Nova shows up. Then, it is time to once again guard the galaxy.

Comics Agenda is hosted by Michael (Twitter@mokepf7) and Greg (Twitter@Comicsportsgeek). We discuss new comicboook releases each week, in addition to news, movies, and TV.

You can reach us on Twitter @TheComicsAgenda or email us at

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Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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