And there came a day unlike any other, when two heroes joined forces. Their mission, to explore comic series and storylines no one pop culture junkie could discuss alone. On that day was formed the Fanboy Power Hour.

Episode 282: Batman In A Monster Truck

This week on the Hour we discuss the effect the coronavirus is having on fandom, the pitfalls of modern comic collecting, the latest episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and much more.

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Stacy Dooks
Stacy Dooks is a writer and assorted pop culture fanatic whose childhood fixations on the works of Jim Henson, George Lucas, and DC Comics laid the groundwork for his current status as a pop culture junkie chatterbox. He currently resides in Calgary, Alberta while he waits for his TARDIS coral to finish growing. For more of his observations on popular culture, check out The Fanboy Power Hour:

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