Plastic #4
Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Daniel Hillyard
Colorist: Laura Martin
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Publisher: Image
A review by David Hildebrand
Plastic has quickly become my choice for surprise book of the year. I first saw the cover for issue #1 and I knew that I had to check it out for the freakishness factor alone. Little did I know I would end up immersed in a story about a serial killer doing everything possible to get back his kidnapped sex doll. And after each issue, I am still sitting there looking at the final page thinking ” I hope this dude kills everyone that is involved in kidnapping Virginia!” I don’t know how Wagner has pulled it off, but what I thought would be an over-the-top joke of a story ended up being an over-the-top violent diamond in the rough.
Plastic #4 is the beginning of the end. Edwyn has his new hitchhiking friend Gwen in tow as they close in on Belliveau, the one holding Virginia captive. This issue moves along fairly quickly. Edwyn tracks down some more of Belliveau’s men, makes quick work of them and then puts into action a plan that is sure to capture Belliveau’s attention. One thing that stands out in Plastic #4 is the relationship between Edwyn and Gwen. With the limited background on the pair, the chemistry between them is weird enough to work without me questioning it. Edwyn saved Gwen from being raped. Gwen knows that Edwyn is searching for Virginia and also kills with extreme brutality. However, after Edwyn looked at her strange for questioning if he would hurt her, she has been at his side helping his cause. She trusts him when I am sure most people would not.
It is moments like that which make Plastic stand out from other stories. This is a very unique tale of revenge and love. I can’t keep but wonder what will become of Gwen at the climax of the story. Will she fall in love with Edwyn? Will Edwyn leave Virginia for Gwen? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Wagner throw out some type of twist that none of us readers will see coming. And I don’t think he would disappoint!
I am also still digging Hillyard’s and Martin’s artwork. Plastic #4 is an ultra-violent book and the duo don’t hold back with the blood and guts. And the atmosphere they created gives off a modern day crime story vibe. It is a gripping read from cover to cover!
The Verdict
Buy this book! Buy the issues before it! I was thinking the other day about my favorite books of the year so far and Plastic definitely has a place on my list. The story is original and the artwork is vivid. Plastic is the complete package for readers like me that enjoy a twisted tale of love and revenge! Go out and buy Plastic#4 and the rest of the issues if you can track them down!
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