Plastic #3
Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Daniel Hillyard
Colors: Laura Martin
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Publisher: Image
A Review by David Hildebrand
If there was a category for “Most Jacked Up/Unique/Grotesque Comic Book of the Year”, then Plastic would win the award hands down! From the first issue, Plastic has thrown down the gauntlet with its brutal, in-your-face violence. This is a title that you probably shouldn’t read at work or out in the open if you don’t want looks. Luckily for me, I could care less what others think and I have frequently revisited the past issues repeatedly enjoying the gushing blood and hardcore actions of serial killer protagonist, Edwyn.
Plastic #3 continues to up the ante with more gore, if you can believe that. Edwyn switches up roles and becomes the hero in this issue as he rescues a hitchhiker from the clutches of a rapist sheriff. Edwyn explains to his new friend Gwen how his beloved Virginia has been kidnapped and being held captive. They met on the internet you know? *wink* The young Gwen agrees to help Edwyn in his efforts to rescue his latex beauty. Meanwhile, Virginia’s captors know that Edwyn is hot on their trail and have to devise a plan on how to stop him.
I was thoroughly entertained with Plastic #3. I am a fan of violent stories with insane amounts of gore and Plastic has delivered! Hillyard and Martin have conjured up some of the most sadistic images I have seen. From holes in the head to severed tongues, the artistic pair create vivid and disturbing visuals. Furthermore, I wasn’t expecting that I would be as immersed into Plastic as much as I am. Wagner has created an evil character that should be given the death penalty. But instead, I am pulling for this psychotic killer to get his plastic love doll back! What??? Yes! As crazy as this sounds, it is indeed this crazy and then some! I AM CHEERING FOR A KILLER TO RESCUE HIS SEX TOY! Wagner is a sick and twisted genius with this bloody tale of romance.
The Verdict:
Buy It! Plastic continues to push the envelope in the way of terror and gore. If you are a horror fan of any type, this book should be on your pull list. The story is shockingly solid. I went into the first issue thinking Plastic would be another cheesy gorefest and I couldn’t be happier saying that I was completely wrong. Plastic #3 keeps the momentum going, the story never drags. Every aspect of the book captures your attention and this is exactly how horror comics should be! So curl up to your loved one and indulge!