Blizzard has released a new video for the Year of the Rooster patch of Overwatch, which went live yesterday! As with any event, all of this new loot is available for a limited time. Check out the new skins for 12 of the characters below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX2lJuk66xI]
D.Va’s new Palaquin Skin (Legendary)
Mei’s new Chang’e Skin (Legendary)
Mei’s new Luna Skin (Legendary)
Zenyatta’s new Sanzang Skin (Legendary)
Winston’s new Wakong Skin (Legendary)
Reinhardt’s new Wujing Skin (Legendary)
Roadhog’s new Bajie Skin (Legendary)
Ana’s new Tal Skin (Epic)
Mercy’s new Golden Skin (Epic)
Bastion’s new Rooster Skin (Epic)
Junkrat’s new Firework Skin (Epic)
Symmetra’s new Qipao Skin (Epic)
Tracer’s new Rose Skin (Epic)
As far as the legendary skins go, I think Zenyatta and D.Va got the best ones, but if luck isn’t on your side any legendary skin will set you back 3000 credits. For the price of 750 credits, you can nab any of the epic skins. For those, I’m digging the awesome pattern on Tracer’s leg, and Junkrat looks right at home with all of the fireworks strapped to his vest. There are other goodies as well, including some highlight intros for Tracer and Mercy, and various emotes and victory poses for others. Each character gets a unique spray too.
In addition, Blizzard finally added a Capture the Flag Rooster mode to the Arcade. If it’s popular enough, hopefully it will stick around beyond this event and expand to even more maps.
You can nab any of these goodies through loot boxes, which can be gained by leveling up or through an in-game purchase. Each loot box will drop at least one Year of the Rooster item out of the four, while the other items come from the standard loot tables. The event runs until February 13th, so don’t miss out!