Calling all geeky academics and nerdy writers, we are following up August’s Call for Papers with a new September edition! This time around, the biggest draw is fandoms and what we develop as obsessions. Read about these different calls, and hopefully one of them will catch your eye!
Fandom: The Next Generation
Although this call for papers’ deadline is fast approaching, I know some of you wiz-academics can produce something in this time frame. This call for papers asks us nerdy academics to study how fandoms transfer from one generation to another. There is a gap in current studies for fandoms, and they are looking for essays specifically about global or transnational fandom, race, gender and sexuality, and/or historically understudied fan communities and canons. I hope some of you can crank something out on this topic, because fans have been historically marginalized in society and need someone in their corner writing an objective study on their lives. Who better to write these essays than us fans?
What are they looking for: 6,000-8,000 words with Chicago author-date style citations, a brief author bio, and a CV
Deadline: October 1, 2019
For more info, click here.
The Fast and the Furious Films
The Fast and Furious franchise is known for being about good looking men and women driving fast cars. Moreover, it is one of the most popular and prolific movie franchises of the 21st century. The success of the franchise is something that must be explored and analyzed. This kind of study and collection of essays is necessary to better understand the effects of the franchise.
The Fast and Furious Franchise is a perfect example of how a franchise can evolve, how it balances representation, how fans receive content and push its development, and how the main storyline and its side stories evolve. The success of the franchise is amazing and we need more essays that explore it. We need more essays written by fans who are academics.
What are they looking for: 300-word abstracts and a short biography
Deadline: October 15, 2019
For more info, click here.
Superheroes in Film and Television
Despite using a picture with female characters, there are many interesting characters in the film and TV universes that show a variety of characters … but how deeply do these representations go? This call for papers wants to explore the meaning of this representation and if it matches the current socio-politico-economic changes in the contemporary environment and/or in the fanbase.
The papers should be addressing at least one element of diversity, but they are looking for all aspects like race, disability, or sex and other areas of explorations. So come on, my nerdy/geeky fans/academics, write about diversity in the representation of superheros on the TV and on film!
What are they looking for: 250 to 500 word proposal
Deadline: November 1, 2019
For more info, click here.
Final Fantasy VII at 25: Critical Essays
Gamers and academics (people who are both) rejoice! Finally, Final Fantasy VII is getting the recognition it deserves! The game is one of the cornerstones of the RPG gaming industry and had one of the best narratives out of all the Final Fantasy games. I am super excited about reading what essays we can produce that really express the importance of this game.
For the 25th anniversary, fans and game enthusiasts can honor the game in their own way, but this call for papers gives academics a unique way to celebrate. Please explore all avenues of development for this game, including diversity, fan studies, Anthropocene, … etc. So, let’s celebrate together with essays about this awesome game!
What are they looking for: 500 words abstracts
Deadline: November 1, 2019
For more info, click here.