Motor Crush #3
Creators: Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Lettering: Aditya Bidikar
Colors: Heather Danforth
Publisher: Image

Reviewed by Gregory Brothers

Motor Crush #3 starts as Dom begins to deal with the fallout from her controversial decision at the end of Motor Crush #2. Dom is distracted, paranoid and torn as her two separate worlds are slowly starting to come together because of her actions in the last issue. She knows that to be successful in her new quest she is going to need to make amends with Lola and try and convince her to help her in what could be the race of her life. Dom promises Lola that if she helps her then there will be no more secrets. Unfortunately for Dom she has still not told Lola about her addiction to the Motor Crush. That addiction to the Crush is what leads Dom to once again enter the Cannonball to try and score the elixir to subside her withdraw. And just as it seems her secret has led to her permanent downfall, a mysterious figure arrives on the scene, and we are left to wonder if this person is friend or foe.

With Motor Crush #3 the team of Fletcher, Stewart, and Tarr introduce some new players to the game while also building upon the characters that we have already met. Besides the mystery rider that shows up during the Cannonball we also meet Queen Christine who has a beef with Dom that involves her King. Meanwhile in the regular WGP racing we meet Clover who threatens to expose Dom and her secrets. While it is just a few panels that Clover appears for now her accusations are a potential story line that most likely will be explored in the future and will help to answer questions as to how far Dom and her father are willing to go to keep the family secret. The addition of these two characters just adds to the slow burn that has been going on with the introduction of the characters, which has been a good choice. By slowly adding more characters it allows the reader time to get to know them and their complex relationships. If everyone would have been introduced at the same time it would have become overwhelming and some of the character development would have been lost.

As I have said in the previous reviews the art in Motor Crush is amazing and nothing changes my opinion about that based on Motor Crush #3, and if anything, it continues to get better. The difference between the rest of the story and the panels that are during the Cannonball race are striking. The use of the black and reds and pinks jump off the page and remind the reader that we are into some sort of futuristic world. Throughout the book, Dom is drawn with this nervousness that reminds you the stakes that are involved in the races. One of the things that returns here and I love when they do it is the use of the graphics that make the panels from the sanctioned races look as if they are taken from a sanctioned race. It is little details like that which create a feeling of realism to this book.

Right now, Motor Crush is one of my favorite book that is in my pull list, and Motor Crush #3 does nothing to change that opinion. In three issues Team Motor Crush, has introduced us to characters that were easy to become invested in, while keeping some of the mystery. In Motor Crush #3 the layers of the Dom, Lola and Dom’s father just continue to be uncovered while new people introduced in the mix add to the depth and create even more questions. If Motor Crush is not already on your pull list, then make sure you add it today.

Gregory Brothers
Ohio born and raised. Avid comicbook fan who is always trying to find time to get through my ever growing read pile. When not working on that I Teach, coach youth sports, and cheer on my hometown Cincinnati teams, and Buckeyes. Can also be heard talking comics and pop-culture on The Comics Agenda Podcast.

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