The Missfits Episode 62: Bob Reyer, Carolyn Cocca and Recommendations
Bob Reyer and Carolyn Cocca join Melissa as she hosts this recommendations episode. Our apologies that the Sunstone Book Club episode needed to be pushed back, but we’ll be doing it soon… we promise.
Help us raise money in our Fundraiser for the Refugee Crisis in Europe and the Middle East
End Music: Ryan Adams – Bad Blood (Taylor Swift Cover)
The Missfits are:
Stephanie Cooke – @hellocookie
Mara Wood – @MegaMaraMon
Melissa Megan – @LissaPunch
Maria Norris – @MariaWNorris
The Missfits on Twitter – @The_Missfits
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Our amazing banner art is by HanieMohd and our theme music is by Eryn Young.