The Missfits Episode 51: Hannibal, Comics and Lee Pace… In General
Mara leads the charge this week and has a gaggle of great ladies on the show with her including regular Missfit Melissa Megan, as well as special guest Missfits, Lauren Kolligs and Katy Rex. The discussion spectrum is all over the place in this show guaranteed to appease your need for some Missfits randomness.
Princess Leia #5, Problogger podcast series, From the new Marvel previews: The Ultimates, Howling Commandos, Spider-Woman, A-Force, The October Faction, JSA, Monster & Madman, Step Aside, Pops, upcoming Ant-Man movie, Halt & Catch Fire, Hannibal, Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard, Lee Pace in general, iZombie TV show, Pretty Little Liars, No Mercy comic, Wayward comic, upcoming Codename Babousha: The Conclave of Death (Katy’s writing an essay for this series that will be published in backmatter), and definitely want to plug the graphic novel Strange Wit that she is writing, Maggie movie, and The Spire #1 comic.
End Music: Controller.Controller – Silent Seven
The Missfits are:
Stephanie Cooke – @hellocookie
Mara Wood – @MegaMaraMon
Melissa Megan – @LissaPunch
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Our amazing banner art is by HanieMohd and our theme music is by Eryn Young.