The Missfits Episode 11: Listener Question Spectacular
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It’s our first ever listener question spectacular featuring questions from you, our listeners! We’re so excited to be doing this show and answering an abundance of amazing things that you guys have sent in to us over the past couple of weeks via the forums, Twitter and email. We answer as many questions as we possibly can in the second half of the show and have an absolute blast doing it.
The first half of the show is, of course, some banter (Mara’s International Geek Girls Pen Pal Club video can be found here) as well as a few of our favourite things right now aka our Recommendations. The things on our list this week are: The Three Little Pigs, King of Tokyo, Klingon Pop Warrior (watch Jen’s Klingon version of “Kiss Me” at the very bottom of the page), Two Clones Magazine, Pee-Wee’s Playhouse on Blu-ray, House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski (one of the page layouts from the book can be seen below), Valiant Hearts: The Great War.
Our next show will air on September 15 and it will feature our 5 favourite characters of all-time from a variety of different mediums such as comics, movies, TV, anime, manga, books etc. If you want to share YOUR list with us, make sure to get it in before September 14 via email, Twitter, the forum or whatever (the links are below). We can’t wait to hear what yours are!
And what do you guys all think of our new Missfits Banner design? It’s done by the wonderful Hanie Mohd and we LOVE it. If you like her work, make sure you’re checking out her stuff online and letting her know how rad she is.
The Missfits are:
Stephanie Cooke – @hellocookie
Mara Wood – @MegaMaraMon
Melissa Megan – @LissaPunch
The Missfits on Twitter – @The_Missfits
AND our email is themissfits@talkingcomicbooks.com