London Horror Comic #7
Writer: John-Paul Kamath
Pencillers & Inkers: Drew Moss, Dean Kotz
Colourist: Hi-Fi Design
Letterer: Matty Ryan
Publisher: London Horror Comic
A review by Amelia Wellman
I’m a fan of horror, I’m a fan of anthology collections, and I’m a fan of the British. There’s not a single thing I don’t like in London Horror Comics! It’s a shame that six issues have already passed before I learned of its existence. I’ll make up for lost time now though!
London Horror Comic began as a monthly web comic in 2006 that featured a series of black and white silent comic strips. In August 2006, the London Horror Comic published its first full colour print story as an original strip called Intermission. In 2008, the first in a series of full colour print issues was published with the release of London Horror Comic #1. This October sees the release of the seventh issue in that series featuring two stories that focus on loneliness and isolation and the horror that comes from them.
There are two separate stories in London Horror Comic #7. The first, titled “Colder” follows a lonely woman who is being slowly frozen out of her apartment by her uncaring landlady. The second, titled “Kindred” follows a woman who spends her nights drinking alone and longing for more. The two stories have a single voice and flow together remarkably well while remaining individual. Both stories are steeped in sex and violence, “Kindred” being graphic in both regards. But what’s a horror story without either of those elements?
The art of London Horror Comic #7 is first and foremost “for adults only”. Both stories contain nudity and “Kindred” contains detailed penetrative sex that nearly turns to rape. Besides the sex though, the art offers a lot of little details, with vibrant colours and a high level of expressiveness on the characters’ faces. There are grotesque moments within the horror, but it’s never overwhelming. The grotesque is balanced perfectly with beauty.
The Verdict
Buy it! If you have an interest in non-typical horror, check out London Horror Comics! The stories flow with the same voice for a cohesive experience and the artwork is absolutely beautiful. And remember, despite the cover art being just so damn cute, this is a mature comic for adults only.