Legion: Chapter 4
Director: Larysa Kondracki
Starring: Dan Stevens, Rachel Keller, Aubrey Plaza, Bill Irwin, Amber Midthunder, Katie Aselton
Writer: Nathaniel Halpern
“Blow me.” – David
“I don’t swing that way bro.” – Lenny
(Warning: Massive spoilers.)
Okay. Guys. We’re smack in the middle of this show and it’s getting more and more crazypants week by the week. I’m falling deeper and deeper in love and I’m ready to put a ring on it.
This week’s episode mixes up reality. Syd’s belief of what’s real and what’s not within David is really starting to f*ck with her, so in return, we, as viewers, start to get messed up as well. David’s still sleeping, no one’s sure if he’s going to wake up, but everyone hopes he does soon. David’s mind is still protecting him from all that these guys could do, so he finds himself on the astral plane, meeting someone he doesn’t expect to find. Meanwhile back at Summerland, Melanie sends Syd, Ptonomy and Kerry to go off and search for information before he got to Clockworks. We finally start to see some of what David has told us, true or false, and we see Syd’s loyalty to David start to shake because of it.
We’re introduced to the ending, the beginning, the middle, and all the things in between within this ONE episode. It’s a mind trip, but really opens up some of the mysteries that we’re still trying to figure out. If that sounded confusing, you haven’t heard anything yet. The narrative is mainly told from Syd’s perspective, almost like she’s reading you a bedtime story, but not without giving everyone their own time to shine.
Again, before I get into this, I want to tell you I’m going to be giving some MAJOR SPOILERS because jfc.
Let’s do what we did last week and give some top what the actual f*ck moments coming from this week.
Okay, we’ve heard that Oliver, Melanie’s lost husband, was nowhere to be found and also started Summerland. Well, we finally get to meet Oliver Bird right out of the gate. Oliver immediately opens up our episode with some… wowness. We find out that he has been stuck in the astral plane for… a while, but also that he’s at Summerland stuck inside a deep freeze in a sea diving suit. From first introductions, you can tell he’s a bit of a philosopher or wise man from the way he speaks, but he’s also eccentric and pretty damn cool. Jemaine Clement plays him with such a “cool dad” cool cat flare. I love him already, I hope we get to see more of him or David can get him out of the astral plane.
I f*cking love when Ptonomy and Kerry get together, but all three of these kids are just… the best. Syd has concerns about still being trapped inside David’s mind after the incident in Chapter 3. Ptonomy isn’t sure of whether he’s inside of David’s mind or not, but he’s putting on a brave face to make it seem like they might not be. The most important scene was when they visited Phyllis, David’s ex-girlfriend, and when Syd’s question of “Do you have anything you’d like to stay to David” comes out. She just says, “They’re watching.” That’s not terrifying at all.
I LOVED THIS. Last week, I was yelling for some kind of explanation for this and I got it. We got it! We got it guys! It turns out that Kerry and Cary are actually the same person. Well, not exactly. Both of them share Cary’s body, but they have different abilities and personalities outside of that. I actually don’t want to give away why this is the way it is because it’s actually super sweet and lovely. (We also get to see Bill Irwin do some sweet kung fu moves that I want to place in my memory forever.)
This was one of the strangest yet coolest reveals of the episode. As Ocean’s Three were interrogating and looking into clues of what happened before David went to Clockworks. People start to reveal that not only was Lenny not a girl, but Lenny wasn’t even Lenny. The addict that David used to hang out with was a heavy set middle aged man named Benny, but it’s hard to believe that too because Lenny is always inside of David’s head.
Amy reveals that most of what David told people, including his dog, was all made up. Amy reveals to David’s psychiatrist in Clockworks that King, David’s childhood dog, never existed. She also revealed that David would hear things, talk to people that weren’t there and he did things that made her question a lot about him.
Everything about this episode left you wanting more. It’s hard to wait for these each week, but they’re so worth it! Towards the end of this episode, you get a couple more shockers that I won’t spoil for you AT ALL, but leading up to next week. I hope everyone’s going to be okay… Please be okay.
Until Wednesday!
[All gifs made by lizzieolsen]