“Collectible Monster” stories rock. From Pokemon, to Digimon, to the more recent Yo-Kai, this genre is absolutely epic and Lonesomes is Ryan Little’s effort to engage it from a Western perspective with a thematic core that’s entirely its own.
Everyone experiences loneliness at some point or another. Though loneliness is universal, there isn’t much that teaches you how to face it. That’s where Lonesomes comes in.
Lonesomes tells the story of mystical creatures called Lonesomes that are drawn to a person’s unique loneliness. Being lonely isn’t easy, which is why this story tackles it head on by combining that complicated feeling with the whimsical world of the “collectible monster genre”.
In issue 1, a mysterious lonesome revealed itself to Tom after one particularly lonely day.
Now the two set off for an adventure that will carry them through both the lore of the mysterious lonesome world and the depths of Tom’s feelings. Despite all the heavy narrative themes, the story will retain all the fun tropes of the collectible monster genre, including new enemies, new friends, and new forms.
Lonesomes is built on the traditions and tropes those games/shows created, but lives and breathes in the world I created in a way that’s entirely unique from other video games and animes that are part of this genre.
Although the book is completed, the creative team think it needs to be physically printed for readers to fully embrace the thematic elements. This is a story about confronting your loneliness. A book like that isn’t meant to be read alone on your iPad. It’s meant to be printed so you can read it, share it, and engage that feeling with others.
- $5 Digital Monsters – You’ll receive a digital copy of Lonesomes #2 immediately following the successful completion of this campaign.
- $6 All the Digital Monsters – You’ll receive a digital copy of Lonesomes #1 AND #2 immediately following the successful completion of this campaign.
- $8 Collectible Monsters – Here’s where the getting starts getting good. You’ll receive a hard copy of Lonesomes #2 signed by writer Ryan Little.
- $14 The Whole Story – This book is all about facing loneliness head on. Get the entire adventure this far with hard copies of Lonesomes #1 and #2 bagged, boarded, and signed by writer Ryan Little.
- $20 Another Kind of Monster – Monsters come in all sizes. Get a hard copy of Lonesomes #2 and a hard copy of writer Ryan Little’s Kaiju comic Monster of the Week #1!
- $25 All the Monsters – Get all the Monsters you can handle with hard copies of Lonesomes #1 and #2 plus a hard copy of Monster of the Week #1. That’s over 70 pages of comics!
- $35 All By Your Lonesome Early Bird – Take home a Lonesome of your very own with an original Lonesome sketched onto a blank variant cover by upcoming artist August Many. You’ll also receive a hard copy of Lonesomes #2 with the standard cover.
- $75 Find Your Lonesome – Create a lonesome of your very own along with writer Ryan Little who will be featured in Lonesomes #3! You’ll also receive hard copies of Lonesomes #1 and #2!
You can Kickstart Lonesomes #2 and help it meet its modest goal of $1,500 by following this link.