The Bloke is back! That’s right Ghouls and Ghosts, Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror is back with an all new issue filled with six frightening stories! The book has won three Ghastly Awards over the last three years. In 2013 it was voted Best Anthology in a category that saw them as the only self-published title to receive the nomination. In 2014 and 2015 stories written by Jason Crawley and illustrated by Rob Moran won the category of Best Short Story In An Anthology.
Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror has been self-published since July 2011 and while the series is not available for purchase in stores here in the United States, the magazine has gone on to be translated and published overseas in France, Spain and Italy. To check out work from all previous issues, you can head on over to the Bloke’s Terrible Tomb Of Terror Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BlokesTerribleTombOfTerror and an online Etsy shop contains all kinds of TOMB merchandise as well as the magazines themselves over at www.etsy.com/shop/BlokesTomb You can also find the entire series of issues and the Monster-Sized Collection editions available on all of Amazon’s worldwide sites.
Issue 16 is complete and ready to go to the printer. All money raised in this Kickstarter will go towards the cost of the initial print run of the issue with any other funds on top of this going towards the production of issue 17 for release in the Summer of 2017.
There is a wide range of reward levels available including the pdf download and pre-ordering of the issue itself followed by a selection of levels that include a whole range of TOMB related items along with the issue. Also available from The Bloke’s collection is a selection of original pencil pages from five stories that were published in early issues of the magazine. These stories are complete too so you will have the entire story in it’s original pencil form before it was inked and finished for the magazine in which it was published. Other rewards include mouse pads, totes, and T-shirts! The book is always a great read, I own them all! You should too! Donate some cash and some cool swag from Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror!