Invisible Kingdom #1
Writer: G. Willlow Wilson
Artist/Colourist: Christian Ward
Editor: Karen Berger
Publisher: Dark Horse; Berger Books
A review by Stephanie Pouliotte
Simply flipping through the pages of Invisible Kingdom #1 gives you the sense of the intricate world building and stunning imagery that will draw you into this budding, otherworldly saga. Set in a far-flung star system, writer G. Willow Wilson (Ms. Marvel) pulls back the veil on the invisible strings that bind a society, and reveals that everything is connected, even the things that seem, by nature, to be opposing forces.
Wilson weaves the story between two very different women, both fiercely determined in their own way. Grix is a tough-as-nails freighter who dislikes being a cog expected to value cargo over crewmates. Vess follows the path of piousness, blind to the material world and seeking truth in the invisible kingdom. Both stories seem wholly unconnected at first, which is of course the point. The threads may be invisible, but once we see them, they can’t be unseen. Perhaps not an unfamiliar narrative, Invisible Kingdom #1 dovetails both storylines beautifully in the final pages and it will certainly have you hooked.
Ward’s artwork is definitely what makes this series stand out on the shelf. He captures vast expanses of florescent space and the quiet beauty of a monestary within the clouds. His layered colours meld together for a vibrant effect, and his recurring use of motifs and imagery create a captivating visual structure to this society.
Buy it! Invisible Kingdom #1 is a promising start to this sci-fi saga about space nuns! Though the phenomenal artwork is what will draw you in, these two dynamic women whose wildly diverging paths are set to collide will keep you turning the page.