Grrl Scouts: Magic Socks #3
Writer/Artist: Jim Mahfood
Colourist/Letterer: Justin Stewart
Publisher: Image Comics
A review by Stephanie Pouliotte

So yeah, Daphne’s dead (Like whhhhaaaattttt!!). The end of the last issue still has me reeling. I mean, where do the Grrl Scouts go from here? Well apparently on one of the wildest grief-fueled benders you have ever seen! But don’t worry, our furious femme duo (tears!) knows what’s what and they are gearing up for the inevitable shit storm that is headed their way. While this issue is mainly setting the stage for a showdown of epic proportions, some intriguing new developments add to the mystery of the Grrl Scouts’ operation.
Meanwhile, we sink even further into the ripe bed of desensitised and bizarre socially-obsessed world that is Freak City. Josie is riding the high of her fame after posting her brutal battle with Daphne to the internet to be devoured by her rabid and devoted followers. Mahfood paints a ridiculous parody of social media madness that provides some pretty pointed commentary on our current culture. Despite Josie’s growing presence, the Grrl Scouts aren’t really concerned with the next flavour of the week and spend the issue doing their own thing. But even if they seem pretty sure of themselves, what can they do with the whole of Freak City against them?
I absolutely loved the mirrored layout of the opening pages, which perfectly expresses the dramatic beats of Gwen’s don’t-fuck-with-me-right-now vibe. As for the rest of the issue, I think Mahfood has a bet on for how much he can cram into a single page! There are some pretty busy spreads, but unbelievably you never loose the flow. His artwork is so visually dynamic that it easily guides you through the chaos. Stewart’s colours are as loud as ever, but there are some darker tones throughout as the girls deal with the emotional fallout of Daphne’s death.
Buy it! Grrl Scouts: Magic Socks #3 may be mostly set up, but the story doesn’t slow down for anything, not even the death of one of its main characters! If you didn’t think this series could get anymore awesomely bizarre, then you are in for a treat with this issue! And like Gwen and Rita, after everything that’s happened, I’m seriously up for some “gangster shit.”
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