Not so shockingly, the shitty people within Twin Peaks continue being shitty. Creepy Jerry arrives (uncle to Audrey) and within a few moments, him and Audrey’s father leave to go to an island brothel together. Like you do.
Laura and James move forward in their relationship, pushing themselves to be together while trying to come to terms with what that means after Laura’s death. Guilt haunts their new love but they try to push it into the back of their minds and tell themselves that it was all meant to be.
A mysterious note arrives for Agent Cooper, a clue that should lead him to the island brothel. He smells the note and smiles, a hint that the young and mischievous Audrey has left the clue for him. Creepy Town, here we come.
Eric DeRae, who plays Leo Johnson, might be the worst actor of them all. He kind of emulates every single bad guy in those crime reenactments that used to be all over the TV. I feel like Crimestoppers might’ve been one of them but that’s mostly irrelevant. DeRae is just ridiculous and over the top without actually being over the top, which I realize sounds ridiculous. He’s simultaneously overacting and not. I guess you’ll know what I mean if you’ve seen the show, but if not, the fact that he has never played any role bigger than an unnamed background character, even after Twin Peaks, speaks volumes.
This episode features a crazy dream sequence that I’ve seen referenced a thousand other places. I don’t know what exactly I expected from this scene but it’s bananas in about 100 ways.
I want to like Twin Peaks, really. Part of me does really enjoy it as I go through it all but I may have come to it a bit too late. I can see the things that draw fans to the series like crazy and while they’re cool (the music, the costumes etc.), they don’t feel like enough to compel me into loving it. It’s quirky brough to life in one complete TV series. A show that is trying too hard to be weird for the sake of being weird.
I’m not NOT enjoying it but I think I’m overthinking things as I try to wrap my head around what it’s all about. It’s hard to turn off the things I’ve heard from other people and my mind is preparing for the worst as I’ve been told the show really loses its focus about 8ish episodes from now. I think going forward that I’ll need to try to shut down my mind and stop trying to enjoy the show on a normal sort of level. I have to embrace the weird as a fundamental part of what Twin Peaks is all about.
The sound goes out a bit in this episode again but only briefly in a few sections. Everything else is hunky dory as far as the visuals go.
More tomorrow! Until then, I’ve decided Lucy is my favourite character.